España: México, Cuba, Argentina y Paraguay, candidatos al Goya 2013

España: México, Cuba, Argentina y Paraguay, candidatos al Goya 2013

El filme argentino "Infancia clandestina", de Benjamín Ávila, el paraguayo "Siete cajas", de Juan Carlos Maneglia y Ana Schembori, el mexicano "Después de Lucía", de Michel Franco, y…

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El caso Carromero – tiro errado

El caso Carromero – tiro errado

Madrid, España - El regreso a España del dirigente de la sección juvenil del Partido Popular Ángel Francisco Carromero para seguir cumpliendo su condena en España es una…

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Mit jósol a BBC Mundo üveggolyója

Mit jósol a BBC Mundo üveggolyója

A jövendőmondás, az üveggolyó bűvölés és a kávézaccban turkálás általában nem az a foglalatosság, amiről megismerszik a BBC Mundo újságírója.  Most azonban az év elejére tekintettel a nívós…

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Bombardeo mata a 13 rebeldes de las FARC

Bombardeo mata a 13 rebeldes de las FARC

BOGOTA, Colombia — Aviones de la fuerza aérea colombiana bombardearon un campamento de las FARC y dieron muerte a 13 guerrilleros, informó el martes la institución armada.

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Charges brought in Chilean singer’s death, 39 years later

Charges brought in Chilean singer’s death, 39 years later

Santiago, Chile - A Chilean judge has charged eight former military officers in the 1973 killing of Victor Jara, a famed leftist singer-songwriter who was among the first…

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Chilean Antarctic bases expect to host 250 scientists and over 50 projects

Chilean Antarctic bases expect to host 250 scientists and over 50 projects

Chile - An estimated 250 scientists from several countries will be working at Chile's Antarctic bases during the austral summer (December 21/March 21) in different projects such as…

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YPF signs shale gas exploration deals with Pan American Energy and Bridas

YPF signs shale gas exploration deals with Pan American Energy and Bridas

Buenos Aires - Argentina's nationalized oil and gas company YPF announced on Friday that Pan American Energy, PAE, would be investing 3.4bn dollars in gas production in the…

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China’s Industrial and Commercial bank, authorized to open a branch in Brazil

China’s Industrial and Commercial bank, authorized to open a branch in Brazil

Brazília - The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd, the world's largest lender by market value, got the green light from Brazilian regulators to operate a subsidiary…

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Spain lifts ban on Argentine bio-diesel

Spain lifts ban on Argentine bio-diesel

Spain has taken a step back with import restrictions on Argentina's bio-diesel applied in a reprisal move after Argentine president Cristina Fernandez decided to seize control of energy…

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Cómo se vive en Argentina cuando los precios suben un 23% cada año

Cómo se vive en Argentina cuando los precios suben un 23% cada año

Muchos de los que observan España desde el extranjero se preguntan cómo hace este país para vivir con una tasa de paro que supera el 25%. La pregunta…

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