Il promet de "lutter jusqu'à la mort". Le sculpteur, peintre, architecte, plasticien et dissident chinois Ai Weiwei a lancé ce message, mercredi 2 novembre, contre les accusations de…
Pakistan grants India ‘most favoured’ trade status
Pakistan's cabinet has unanimously approved the award of "most favoured nation" trading status to India.
SKorea police fire water cannons at FTA protesters
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korean police have fired water cannons to disperse more than 2,000 protesters who were trying to break into the National Assembly as lawmakers debated a free trade deal with the…
Suspected US Drone Strike Kills 2 in Pakistan
Pakistani intelligence officials say a suspected U.S. drone strike has killed at least two militants in the North Waziristan tribal region near the Afghan border.