Le tribunal international de Phnom Penh (Cambodge) rendra le 3 février 2012 son verdict en appel contre "Douch", tortionnaire sous le régime des Khmers rouges.
Military-dominated Myanmar to chair ASEAN in 2014
BALI, Indonesia (AP) — Military-dominated Myanmar will chair Southeast Asia's regional bloc in 2014, officials said Thursday, a decision that will likely irk the U.S. and others not…
Rice containing radioactive caesium found in Japan
Radioactive caesium has been detected above the safety level in rice for the first time in Japan since the nuclear crisis began at the Fukushima plant.
China welcomes Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe as ‘old friend’
China's vice-president has held talks in Beijing with Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe, whom he praised as an "old friend" of China.
Anger over deadly China kindergarten minibus crash
There has been anger in China following a crash involving a kindergarten minibus in Gansu province that left 18 young children and two adults dead.
Thaïlande : un décret sur l’amnistie permettrait le retour de Thaksin Shinawatra
Alors que la Thaïlande se débat encore dans les inondations, le gouvernement lance un pavé dans la mare. Un décret a été adopté lors d’une réunion ministérielle secrète…
Les trains à grande vitesse reprennent du service entre Pékin-et Shanghai
Ceux qui aiment la vitesse prendront le train ce mercredi en Chine. Cinquante-quatre CHR380 -basés sur la technologie de l’allemand Siemens- et rappelés pour révision suite à l’accident…
Record rhino horn and ivory seizure in Hong Kong
Customs officers in Hong Kong have seized 33 horns from highly endangered rhinoceri and hundreds of ivory products worth $2m (£1.26m).
India: Mayawati proposes division of Uttar Pradesh
The chief minister of India's Uttar Pradesh state has proposed the division of the populous and politically influential state into four parts.
Kazakhstan dissolves parliament, calls election
Kazakhstan's president issued a decree Wednesday to dissolve parliament and call a snap election that will end the governing party's monopolistic grip over the legislature.