Le président afghan, Hamid Karzaï a demandé jeudi 5 janvier 2012 aux Américains de transférer à son gouvernement, d'ici à un mois, le contrôle de la prison de…
China accused by Philippines of Spratlys intrusion
The Philippines has accused China of intruding into its waters around the disputed Spratly islands after three ships were spotted in December.
Chine : un directeur de journal licencié pour corruption
En Chine, le directeur d’un journal de Pékin appartenant au Parti communiste a été licencié vendredi 6 janvier pour corruption. Il est soupçonné d’avoir extorqué de l’argent à…
Kazakhstan riot town, Zhanaozen, barred from poll
Residents of an oil town in Kazakhstan where deadly riots took place last month will not be allowed to vote in parliamentary elections on 15 January.
Uproar over China’s ‘angry dragon’ stamp
A Chinese postage stamp to mark the upcoming Year of the Dragon has sparked uproar among the public because the dragon is thought to look "too fierce".
Chinese authorities agree to review Ai Weiwei tax case
Authorities in China have agreed to Ai Weiwei's request to review a $2.4m (£1.55m) fine imposed by the tax bureau for ''back taxes''.
Radio broadcaster shot dead in south Philippines
MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Gunmen fatally shot a radio broadcaster as he drove his car with his wife and son in what an advocacy group said Friday was…
La Chine dit non à la taxe carbone
La Chine ne coopérera pas avec l’Union européenne sur les droits à polluer pour les compagnies aériennes. Le système ETS (Emission Trading Scheme), sorte de permis à polluer,…
Cambodian former anti-drug chief jailed for trafficking
A Cambodian court has sentenced an anti-drug agency chief and his aide to life in jail.
William Hague: Burma to free more ‘political prisoners’
Burma has vowed to free more political prisoners, William Hague said after meeting his counterpart during the first visit to Burma by a UK foreign secretary for 55…