India and China are due to begin a fresh round of talks aimed at resolving a long-running dispute over their Himalayan border.
Kazakh president’s party crushes opposition
ASTANA, Kazakhstan (AP) — Election officials in Kazakhstan said Monday that three parties have won seats in the parliament, ending the total control once held by the president's…
Pakistan blast: Shias killed in Khanpur procession
At least 17 people have been killed and some 20 wounded in a bomb attack on a Shia religious procession in the central Pakistani city of Khanpur.
China angry at US sanctions on oil firm Zhuhai Zhenrong
China has criticised sanctions imposed by the US on a Chinese firm for selling refined petroleum products to Iran.
Birmanie: visite historique d’Alain Juppé à Rangoun
C'est la première fois depuis l'indépendance de la Birmanie en 1948 qu'un ministre français des Affaires étrangères se rend à Rangoun. Alain Juppé est venu « saluer les…
Un ex-ministre chinois tombe dans un piège sexuel
Selon une note diplomatique américaine confidentielle, révélée par le site internet WikiLeaks, l'ancien ministre des Finances chinois Jin Renqing a démissionné en août 2007 après être tombé dans…
Les Etats-Unis prêts à envoyer un ambassadeur en Birmanie
Pour le régime birman, la libération de prisonniers politiques a été payante. Le ministère birman de l'Intérieur a annoncé, ce samedi 14 janvier 2012, la libération de 302…
Thousands protest against nuclear power in Japan
About 2,000 demonstrators hit the streets of Yokohama on Saturday calling for an end to nuclear energy in Japan after the March 11 disaster that sparked the worst…
UN human rights body backs French Sikhs on turbans
A Sikh man in France has won the backing of the United Nations Human Rights Committee in his fight over religious headgear.
Pakistan PM Gilani faces confidence vote amid crisis
Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani is to face a vote of confidence in parliament amid a deepening political crisis with the millitary.