Fukushima : des actionnaires de Tepco demandent des dédommagements records

Fukushima : des actionnaires de Tepco demandent des dédommagements records

Quarante-deux actionnaires de la compagnie Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) poursuivent l'exploitant de la centrale nucléaire accidentée de Fukushima en lui réclamant 5 500 milliards de yens (55 milliards…

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Sri Lanka row over Catholic letter on human rights

Sri Lanka row over Catholic letter on human rights

One of Sri Lanka's governing parties has called for the prosecution of a leading bishop after he condemned the government's human rights record.

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Afghanistan avalanche kills 39 in Badakhshan

Afghanistan avalanche kills 39 in Badakhshan

At least 39 people and many are missing after an avalanche in Afghanistan's north-eastern Badakhshan province.

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Nissan to build new car in Sunderland

Nissan to build new car in Sunderland

Nissan is to build a new compact model, called the Invitation, at its Sunderland factory.

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Congress setback in key India Uttar Pradesh polls

Congress setback in key India Uttar Pradesh polls

India's governing Congress party has suffered a major setback as votes are counted in the politically crucial state of Uttar Pradesh.

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India bans all cotton exports with immediate effect

India bans all cotton exports with immediate effect

India has banned all exports of cotton with immediate effect, the government has said, amid a decline in production.

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China’s Premier Wen opens National People’s Congress

China’s Premier Wen opens National People’s Congress

Premier Wen Jiabao cut China's economic growth target as he opened the last parliament session under the current leadership.

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Pakistan Taliban removes deputy head Maulvi Faqir Mohammad

Pakistan Taliban removes deputy head Maulvi Faqir Mohammad

The head of the Pakistani Taliban has removed his deputy commander, the militant group confirmed to the BBC, in a sign of a growing power struggle.

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Hong Kong exchange extends trading hours amid protests

Hong Kong exchange extends trading hours amid protests

Traders on the Hong Kong stock exchange will see their lunch break trimmed from 90 minutes to an hour from Monday.

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Birmanie: Aung Sun Suu Kyi triomphalement accueillie à Mandalay

Birmanie: Aung Sun Suu Kyi triomphalement accueillie à Mandalay

La campagne électorale de la principale figure de l’opposition birmane, Aung San Suu Kyi, mobilise des foules considérables dans la seconde ville du pays, Mandalay. Plus de 100 000…

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