An Abuja High Court, sitting in Maitama, yesterday, gave the Federal Government, suo motu, the green light to apply for a warrant to arrest the incumbent Chairman of…
Pregnant African woman granted a stay of deportation from Canada
Sayon Camara looked dazed as her husband, Abdul Sow, hugged her in the glare of television cameras at Pierre Elliott International Airport. "Thank you, Canada. Thank you, Quebec.…
Veszélyben a nigériai lázadók amnesztiaprogramja
A kritikusok szerint a nigériai kormány a 2009-ben meghirdetett amnesztiaprogramjában ugyanazt a hibát követte el, mint minden más lefegyverzési, leszerelési, rehabilitációs és reintegrációs kampány: az első két folyamat…
Darfur rebels free UN peacekeepers in Sudan
Four South African peacekeepers who were kidnapped in Sudan's troubled Darfur region earlier this month have been released, the UN says.
Dávid-csillagon gyakorolt a nigériai merénylő
Az ABC amerikai tévécsatorna videofelvételt mutatott be annak a nigériai fiatalembernek a terrorista kiképzéséről, aki tavaly karácsonykor megpróbált felrobbantani egy Amszterdamból Detroitba tartó utasszállító repülőgépet 289 emberrel a…
Underwear Bomber: New Video of Training, Martyrdom Statements
New videos produced by al Qaeda in Yemen show the accused underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and others in his training class firing weapons at a desert camp…
Zimbabwe says no uranium deal with Iran
African country's president expresses support for Islamic Republic's nuclear program, but commerce minister says no agreement signed allowing Tehran to tap uranium reserves in Zimbabwe. 'There is no…
Nearly 10 Million People in West Africa Face Food Crisis
The United Nations top humanitarian official is visiting the Sahel region of West Africa to draw attention to the plight of an estimated 10 million people facing a…
Halálos gin Ugandában
Kb. 80 ember halt meg Ugandában, miután ittak egy illegális, otthon gyártott, banánból készített ginből, amihez metanolt is felhasználtak.
Nigeria: Militants Amnesty Program in Danger
The government's amnesty program whereby militants in the Niger delta are to be disarmed and rehabilitated with a stipend, job training and a micro-credit loan, has been linked…