Protesters clamored for a boost to Egypt's minimum wage on Sunday, the latest in a series of demonstrations demanding help for millions of poor Egyptians and greater political…
Az ENSZ nyomozást indított a kongói mészárlással kapcsolatban
Az ENSZ nyomozást indított azzal kapcsolatban, hogy februárban kb. 100 kongóit ölt meg az Úr Ellenálló Hadserege (LRA) nevű ugandai lázadócsoport egy támadás során.
UN investigates DR Congo massacre
The United Nations has started investigating reports of the killing of about 100 Congolese in an attack by Uganda's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels in February.
Politics Overshadow Human Rights Abuses in Madagascar
The political situation in Madagascar is far from improving, after several unsuccessful attempts from national, regional and international mediators to resolve the political crisis during more than a…
Africa: Infrastructure Projects Financiers Eye Africa
Middle East investors think Africa's growing infrastructure project finance needs are a major opportunity, according to asset managers Signature Group.
AU welcomes release of kidnapped peacekeepers in Sudan
The African Union (AU) on Wednesday welcome the release of the four South African Police Advisers who were kidnapped on 11 April 2010 in Darfur, Sudan.
Zimbabwe Gets Nod to Start Selling Diamonds
A High Court judge has given the cash strapped Zimbabwe government the nod to start selling diamonds from a controversial diamond field whose exploitation has been met with…
Madagascar: Fears of Military Takeover in Country
The deadline the Malagasy Armed Forces gave transitional authorities to find a solution to the political crisis that has paralyzed Madagascar for over a year will expire at…
New Tribunals Proposed to Crack Down on Somali Pirates
The Security Council put forward today the possibility of establishing international tribunals to try pirates, as its members called for tougher legislation aimed at prosecuting and jailing suspects…
Szudán: Bashir nyerte meg a nemzeti választásokat
Hétfőn hivatalosan is bejelentették, hogy Omar al-Bashir elnök a szudáni választások győztese, illetve Salva Kiir elnököt újraválasztották a félautonóm Dél-Szudán vezetőjének.