Chad forces free Oxfam aid worker kidnapped in Abeche

Chad forces free Oxfam aid worker kidnapped in Abeche

A Swiss aid worker in Chad kidnapped 10 days ago has been freed, UK charity Oxfam has told the BBC.

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Jailed Swiss businessman Max Goeldi returns from Libya

Jailed Swiss businessman Max Goeldi returns from Libya

A Swiss businessman, held in a Libyan jail for four months, has arrived back in Zurich.

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ICC pushes UN for arrests of Sudanese suspects

ICC pushes UN for arrests of Sudanese suspects

The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor has urged the UN Security Council to push for the arrest of two Sudanese men indicted for war crimes in Darfur.

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Az ICC sürgeti a szudáni letartóztatásokat

Az ICC sürgeti a szudáni letartóztatásokat

A Nemzetközi Büntetőbíróság (ICC) főügyésze felszólította az ENSZ Biztonsági Tanácsát, hogy sürgessék két szudáni férfi letartóztatását, akiket háborús bűnök elkövetésével vádolnak.

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Seven African leaders for G8 Summit

Seven African leaders for G8 Summit

The Canadian government has invited seven African leaders to attend a special session at the G8 Summit, according to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. They include Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia,…

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Migrants drown off Mozambique coast

Migrants drown off Mozambique coast

A boat carrying refugees from Somalia has sunk off the coast of northern Mozambique, killing nine and leaving 40 missing, state media has reported.

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Kilenc migráns vízbe fulladt Mozambik partjainál

Kilenc migráns vízbe fulladt Mozambik partjainál

Elsüllyedt egy szomáliai menekülteket szállító hajó Mozambik északi partjainál – kilencen életüket vesztették és 40 ember eltűnt.

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Killers of US aid worker escape Sudan jail

Killers of US aid worker escape Sudan jail

Four men sentenced to death for the murder of a US aid worker and his driver have escaped from prison.

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Rwandan pastor gets life sentence for genocide

Rwandan pastor gets life sentence for genocide

A court in Finland has sentenced a Rwandan pastor, Francois Bazaramba, to life in jail for his participation in Rwanda's genocide. Bazaramba, 59, moved in 2003 to the…

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Mo Ibrahim prize goes to none

Mo Ibrahim prize goes to none

Judges for a $5m annual prize for good governance in Africa have decided not to give the award for the second consecutive year.

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