"I will vote for everyone who brings food and money. If you feed the poor they will always think about you.
Nigerian MPs hurt after scuffle in National Assembly
A Nigerian lawmaker has broken his arm in a scuffle in the National Assembly.
Az 1994-es ruandai népirtás és az ahhoz vezető út (1. rész)
Az 1994. évi ruandai népirtás a II. Világháborút követő időszak egyik legnagyobb tragédiája volt, amely a tömegmészárlások, az emberi jogok és a nemzetközi humanitárius jog súlyos megsértése által…
Measles outbreak kills more than 700 in Africa
A recent measles outbreak in eastern and southern Africa has killed more than 700 people, threatening to reverse gains made over several years to stem the disease, the…
Netherlands Arrests Genocide Suspect
Netherlands — Authorities in the Netherlands yesterday arrested a woman in a village south of the country on suspicion of involvement in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.
EU to support Kenya with $602m
The European Union said on Saturday it will give Kenya about 500 million euros to supplement its 2010/11 budget, a 25 percent rise over 2009/10. East Africa's biggest…
Foci és fejlesztés – a dél-afrikai futball világbajnokság és a Millenniumi Fejlesztési Célok
Történelmi esemény, és sokak számára a remény jelképe, hogy a játék történetében először az afrikai kontinensen kerül megrendezésre a futball világbajnokság.
Push for ‘Great Green Wall of Africa’ to halt Sahara
African leaders are meeting in Chad to push the idea of planting a tree belt across Africa from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east.
Mining executives’ Africa plane wreckage found
The wreckage of a plane carrying a group of Australian mining executives in West Africa has been found, Cameroon's information minister said.
Madagascar: EU holds back $600m aid
The European Union has held back a 600 million euros development aid to Madagascar for failing to adhere to democratic tenets. The bloc, which is the island's major…