The 6th mission has arrived home!

The 6th mission has arrived home!

The 6th medical mission of the African – Hungarian Union (AHU) has arrived home on the 2nd of July at 12 am. Dr. Anna Jakkel, Dr. Imre Kis…

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DR Congo to get billions in debt relief from IMF

DR Congo to get billions in debt relief from IMF

A debt relief programme worth $12.3bn (£8.1bn) has been agreed for the Democratic Republic of Congo, it has been announced.

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UN to set up agency promoting women’s rights

UN to set up agency promoting women’s rights

The UN is to set up a single agency dedicated to promote the rights of women and girls around the world.

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Guinea election goes to run-off as Diallo falls short

Guinea election goes to run-off as Diallo falls short

Guinea will hold a run-off in its presidential election later this month after the former prime minister, Cellou Dalein Diallo, fell short of a majority in the first…

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Paris Hilton drugs charges dropped by S African court

Paris Hilton drugs charges dropped by S African court

A South African court has dropped drugs charges against US socialite Paris Hilton after her arrest at a World Cup game.

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DR Congo fuel truck victims buried in mass graves

DR Congo fuel truck victims buried in mass graves

The bodies of some of the scores of people killed in a fuel truck explosion in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been buried in mass graves.  

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Sudan to close border with Libya due to Darfur rebels

Sudan to close border with Libya due to Darfur rebels

Sudan has announced it is closing its border with Libya because Darfur rebels operate in the area.

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Lezárták a szudáni-líbiai határt a dárfúri lázadók miatt

Lezárták a szudáni-líbiai határt a dárfúri lázadók miatt

A határt július 1-jén zárták le annak érdekében, hogy megóvják az embereket a lázadóktól és a bűnözőktől – olvasható a belügyminisztérium nyilatkozatában. Líbia megérti a szudáni hatóságok döntését.

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Algeria insurgents kill 11 in military convoy ambush

Algeria insurgents kill 11 in military convoy ambush

Suspected Islamic militants have killed 11 Algerian paramilitary police in an ambush in the Sahara desert, a security source has said.

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Megöltek 11 embert a lázadók Algériában

Megöltek 11 embert a lázadók Algériában

Iszlamista harcosok megöltek 11 algériai katonát a Szaharában – mondta a biztonsági erők egyik szóvivője.

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