Guinea: Police fires teargas at protesters

Guinea: Police fires teargas at protesters

Police in Guinea have fired teargas at thousands of people marching against alleged fraud in last month's first round of presidential elections. The protest took place in the…

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East Africa’s common market begins

East Africa’s common market begins

East Africa's common market comes into force this month, which aims to allow goods to move freely across the region.

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Nestlé invests CHF 40 million in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Nestlé invests CHF 40 million in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Nestlé today announced it will invest CHF 40 million in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) over the next three years.

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Prémiumot kapnak a ghánaiak az afrikai szívek megnyeréséért

Prémiumot kapnak a ghánaiak az afrikai szívek megnyeréséért

Extra jutalomban részesíti John Atta Mills ghánai államfő az ország labdarúgó-válogatottjának tagjait a világbajnokságon nyújtott teljesítményükért.

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Bus driver shoots Cairo workers

Bus driver shoots Cairo workers

An Egyptian bus driver has shot dead six construction workers travelling in his vehicle, security officials say.

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Vuvuzela: South African symbol made in China

Vuvuzela: South African symbol made in China

Ningbo, China (CNN) -- China's football team did not make it to the World Cup this year, but that does not mean the country's presence has not been…

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Sierra Leone’s Olufemi Terry wins Caine writing prize

Sierra Leone’s Olufemi Terry wins Caine writing prize

The Sierra Leonean writer Olufemi Terry has won this year's Caine Prize for African Writing, regarded as Africa's leading literary award.

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Mozambik lakosságának közel 12 százaléka AIDS-fertőzött

Mozambik lakosságának közel 12 százaléka AIDS-fertőzött

Mozambik lakosságának közel 12 százalékát fertőzte meg az AIDS vírusa – derült ki egy hétfőn ismertetett hivatalos felmérésből.

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Nigeria: Gunmen release kidnapped sailors

Nigeria: Gunmen release kidnapped sailors

Gunmen in Nigeria who kidnapped 12 foreign sailors in the volatile Niger delta region have released the sailors.

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Nigéria: Kiszabadultak az elrabolt tengerészek

Nigéria: Kiszabadultak az elrabolt tengerészek

A nigériai fegyveres férfi, aki pénteken a Niger-delta vidékén rabolta el a 12 külföldi tengerészt, vasárnap szabadon engedte foglyait.

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