Repülőszerencsétlenség Zimbabwében

Repülőszerencsétlenség Zimbabwében

David Chawota, a Polgári Légiközlekedési Hatóság elnöke bejelentette, hogy az Air Zimbabwe egyik járatát leszállás közben baleset érte. "Az elnök nemsokára bejelentést fog tenni az ügyben" – mondta…

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Nigerian visit to Hungary

Nigerian visit to Hungary

Between the 2nd and the 8th of August, Nigeria's Ministry of Planning's three senior associates and one of Nigeria's greatest landowner, the Emir of Muri will visit Hungary.

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Sudanese Delegation Visits Festival 2010

Sudanese Delegation Visits Festival 2010

The Sudanese delegation headed by the Administrator of Kassala region, Mr. Mohammed Yosuf Hamid, that also includes Ministers and Assembly members visited Eritrea Festival 2010 at the Expo…

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Ivory Coast to triple gold output

Ivory Coast to triple gold output

West African nation Ivory Coast hopes to triple gold output by 2015 to about 20 tonnes per year as three new mines start up including Randgold Resources' Tongon…

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Jump to Content Maamba Collieries, MUZ sign new collective agreement

Jump to Content Maamba Collieries, MUZ sign new collective agreement

MAAMBA Collieries Limited (MCL) and the Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MUZ) have signed a collective agreement to cover a period of five months with effect from August…

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Prince Albert changes his wedding date

Prince Albert changes his wedding date

After the Palace in Monaco announced to the world 10 days ago that Prince Albert II and South African former swimmer Charlene Wittstock would marry next year in…

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Four jailed over Togo bus attack

Four jailed over Togo bus attack

Four people have been jailed by a court in Cabinda on Tuesday for their alleged involvement in the ambush and armed attack of the Togo national team bus…

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South Africa ex-police boss jailed 15yrs

South Africa ex-police boss jailed 15yrs

South Africa's former police boss and ex-president of Interpol Jackie Selebi has been handed a 15-year jail sentence for graft. He is one of the high profile officials…

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Fesztiválozik a szudáni delegáció Eritreában

Fesztiválozik a szudáni delegáció Eritreában

Hétfőn, egy miniszterekből és közgyűlési tagokból álló szudáni delegáció érkezett Asmarába, az Eritrea 2010 Fesztiválra.

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Kenya internet-tudatossági kampányt indít

Kenya internet-tudatossági kampányt indít

Kenyában az internet felhasználók számának növelése érdekében az egész országban egy tudatossági kampányt szeretne indítani.  

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