Amerikai kiképzők Kongóban

Amerikai kiképzők Kongóban

Az amerikai hadsereg kiképző tiszteket küldött a Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaságba, hogy segítsenek a hadsereg átalakításában.

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New date for Guinea presidential run-off poll

New date for Guinea presidential run-off poll

Guinea has scheduled its long-delayed presidential run-off vote for 7 November, according to a presidential decree read out on state TV.

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Slovenia elects Peter Bossman as first black mayor

Slovenia elects Peter Bossman as first black mayor

A Ghana-born doctor has been elected the first black mayor in Slovenia - and probably the first in old Yugoslavia.

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EU Pledges $15 Million for Central African Republic Elections

EU Pledges $15 Million for Central African Republic Elections

The European Union representative to the Central African Republic said the commission has made available more than $15 million to fund the country's presidential and legislative elections. This…

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Senegal bakers go on strike

Senegal bakers go on strike

Dakar - Bakers in Senegal's capital Dakar launched an open-ended strike on Monday to press the state to raise the price of bread after a steep increase in…

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IMF says Africa bouncing back from global crisis

IMF says Africa bouncing back from global crisis

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) -- Much of Africa is recovering fast from the global financial crisis and the region will register the second-highest growth rates in the world, the…

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Kenya mayor arrested over cemetery scandal

Kenya mayor arrested over cemetery scandal

Kenya's mayor of Nairobi has been arrested for questioning in connection with a scandal over the sale of land for a graveyard in the capital.

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Ivory Coast’s political players

Ivory Coast’s political players

Abidjan - The prospect of peace in Ivory Coast after the government announced an election date has left Ivorians cautiously optimistic about the future.

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Szomszéd falvak háborúja Nigériában

Szomszéd falvak háborúja Nigériában

A nigériai Cross River államban sokan meghaltak, amikor két falu lakói összeverekedtek egymással.

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Két halott az algériai merényletben

Két halott az algériai merényletben

Bombatámadás ért egy katonai teherautót Algériában. A merényletben két katona életét vesztette, hárman megsérültek.

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