Abidjan - A fire broke out at Ivory Coast's economic ministry building in the capital destroying untold numbers of financial records as international sanctions on incumbent leader Laurent…
Mali destroys hundreds of weapons
Kidal - Hundreds of weapons collected from people and former Tuareg rebels were burned in northern Mali on Tuesday in a bid to do away with small arms…
S.African ship at I.Coast complicates crisis
ABUJA, Feb 8 (Reuters) - South Africa's decision to deploy a navy vessel to Ivory Coast is complicating efforts to bring a peaceful resolution to the country's post-election…
N.African migrants intensify hunger strike
Athens - More than 250 North African immigrants, demanding to be legalised, intensified their two-week hunger strike on Tuesday by drinking only water.
South Sudan minister shot dead in Juba
Juba - A South Sudan minister was shot dead inside his ministry on Wednesday, days after referendum results confirmed the region will become Africa's newest independent state, the…
Tunézia mozgósítja a tartalékosokat
Tunézia, Tunisz- A hadsereg tartalékosainak behívásával erősítené a rendet és a közbiztonságot Tunézia új kormánya. Az elmúlt napok véres eseményei után az új vezetés inkább a katonákra, és…
Tunisia retired troops called for duty
Tunis - Tunisia's defence ministry is calling up recently retired troops as the country struggles to contain unrest that has persisted even after the ouster of the North…
Fresh rally planned in Cairo
Cairo - Egyptian protesters were calling for another mass rally on Tuesday as protesters at Cairo's Tahrir Square dug in for their third week of demonstrations.
Cameroon: Pirates kill 2 cops, kidnap 11
Yaounde - Pirates killed two Cameroonian paramilitary policemen on Monday, a day after kidnapping 11 government officials in Cameroon's oil-rich Bakassi peninsula, a local authority said.
Kérdések és kétségek Egyiptomban
Egyiptom, Kairó – A kormány és az ellenzék vasárnapi tárgyalásait követően rengeteg a megválaszolatlan kérdés Egyiptomban. A találkozó után kiadott közleményekből, nyilatkozatokból arra lehet következtetni, hogy a nemrég…