Ivory Coast economic ministry burns

Ivory Coast economic ministry burns

Abidjan - A fire broke out at Ivory Coast's economic ministry building in the capital destroying untold numbers of financial records as international sanctions on incumbent leader Laurent…

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Mali destroys hundreds of weapons

Mali destroys hundreds of weapons

Kidal - Hundreds of weapons collected from people and former Tuareg rebels were burned in northern Mali on Tuesday in a bid to do away with small arms…

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S.African ship at I.Coast complicates crisis

S.African ship at I.Coast complicates crisis

ABUJA, Feb 8 (Reuters) - South Africa's decision to deploy a navy vessel to Ivory Coast is complicating efforts to bring a peaceful resolution to the country's post-election…

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N.African migrants intensify hunger strike

N.African migrants intensify hunger strike

Athens - More than 250 North African immigrants, demanding to be legalised, intensified their two-week hunger strike on Tuesday by drinking only water.

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South Sudan minister shot dead in Juba

South Sudan minister shot dead in Juba

Juba - A South Sudan minister was shot dead inside his ministry on Wednesday, days after referendum results confirmed the region will become Africa's newest independent state, the…

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Tunézia mozgósítja a tartalékosokat

Tunézia mozgósítja a tartalékosokat

Tunézia, Tunisz- A hadsereg tartalékosainak behívásával erősítené a rendet és a közbiztonságot Tunézia új kormánya. Az elmúlt napok véres eseményei után az új vezetés inkább a katonákra, és…

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Tunisia retired troops called for duty

Tunisia retired troops called for duty

Tunis - Tunisia's defence ministry is calling up recently retired troops as the country struggles to contain unrest that has persisted even after the ouster of the North…

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Fresh rally planned in Cairo

Fresh rally planned in Cairo

Cairo - Egyptian protesters were calling for another mass rally on Tuesday as protesters at Cairo's Tahrir Square dug in for their third week of demonstrations.

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Cameroon: Pirates kill 2 cops, kidnap 11

Cameroon: Pirates kill 2 cops, kidnap 11

Yaounde - Pirates killed two Cameroonian paramilitary policemen on Monday, a day after kidnapping 11 government officials in Cameroon's oil-rich Bakassi peninsula, a local authority said.

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Kérdések és kétségek Egyiptomban

Kérdések és kétségek Egyiptomban

Egyiptom, Kairó – A kormány és az ellenzék vasárnapi tárgyalásait követően rengeteg a megválaszolatlan kérdés Egyiptomban. A találkozó után kiadott közleményekből, nyilatkozatokból arra lehet következtetni, hogy a nemrég…

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