DR Congo colonel Kibibi Mutware jailed for mass rape

DR Congo colonel Kibibi Mutware jailed for mass rape

A military court in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo investigating a case of mass rape has sentenced Lt Col Kibibi Mutware to 20 years in jail.

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Mali stampede in Bamako ‘kills dozens’

Mali stampede in Bamako ‘kills dozens’

At least 36 people have been killed in a stampede at a stadium in the Malian capital of Bamako, officials say.

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Mi lesz a szudáni elnökkel?

Mi lesz a szudáni elnökkel?

Szudán, Kartúm – Négy év múlva tartanak elnökválasztást Szudánban. A jelenlegi elnök, Omar al-Bashir nem indul újra a következő választáson. Legalábbis a pártja szerint.

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Figyelmeztető lövések Tunéziában

Figyelmeztető lövések Tunéziában

Tunézia, Tunisz – Ismét tüntettek Tunéziában, ahol több ezer ember vonult az utcára, hogy demonstráljon az átmeneti kormány ellen. A tunéziai biztonsági erők a fegyverüket is használták, hogy…

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Museveni rival vows to reject poll results

Museveni rival vows to reject poll results

Kampala – Uganda's top opposition leader Kizza Besigye has vowed to reject election result after the country's longtime president Yoweri Museveni won another term.

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Libya protests: Col Gaddafi under mounting pressure

Libya protests: Col Gaddafi under mounting pressure

Col Muammar Gaddafi's regime is under pressure amid unprecedented protests in the Libyan capital and defections by senior diplomats.

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Deadly suicide car bomb rocks Mogadishu police camp

Deadly suicide car bomb rocks Mogadishu police camp

A suicide car bomber has attacked a police training camp in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, killing at least six people, officials say.

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Senegal soldier dies after setting himself on fire

Senegal soldier dies after setting himself on fire

A former soldier has died in Senegal after setting himself on fire outside the official residence of the president on Friday.

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Five African mediators meet on I. Coast crisis

Five African mediators meet on I. Coast crisis

NOUAKCHOTT (AFP) – Five African leaders mediating an end to Ivory Coast's leadership crisis met with top African Union and UN officials Sunday to talk strategy amid mounting…

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Algéria kimarad?

Algéria kimarad?

Algéria, Algír – A hatóság titlása ellenére, emberi jogi csoportok, szakszervezetek és néhány ellenzéki párt felvonulást szervezett a hétvégén Algírban. Reformokat követeltek a résztvevők. A rendőrség feloszlatta a…

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