Horseman of Apocalypse Shows up in Cairo?

Horseman of Apocalypse Shows up in Cairo?

Between the crowds of protesters and barricades, the video shows a flowing, pale green image that resembles an erect rider atop a horse in Medieval-like barding. The ethereal…

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U.N. Security Council to meet, Libya hands out cash

U.N. Security Council to meet, Libya hands out cash

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) – The Libyan coastal town of Zawiyah was under the control of anti-government protesters on Friday, a witness said, bringing a popular uprising against Muammar…

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Algeria lifts 19-year-old state of emergency

Algeria lifts 19-year-old state of emergency

ALGIERS (Reuters) – Algeria on Thursday lifted a 19-year state of emergency in a concession to the opposition designed to keep out a wave of uprisings sweeping the…

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Nincs szükség a szükségállapotra Algériában

Nincs szükség a szükségállapotra Algériában

Algéria, Algír - Feloldották a 19 éve érvényben lévő szükségállapotot Algériában.

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Reformokat követel az ellenzék Marokkóban

Reformokat követel az ellenzék Marokkóban

Marokkó, Rabat – Valódi, és nem kirakatba illő alkotmányos monarchiát követelnek az ellenzéki pártok és civil szervezetek Marokkóban.

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Algeria to lift state of emergency

Algeria to lift state of emergency

Bowing to protests, the Cabinet adopts an ordinance to end measures that have barred peaceful demonstrations and limited political freedoms for 19 years.

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Protest plan in Angola draws warning from ruling party

Protest plan in Angola draws warning from ruling party

LUANDA (AFP) – An anonymous call for a mass protest in Angola on March 6 has drawn a warning from the ruling MPLA party, which threatened to take…

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Somali rebels agree ransom deal with pirate leaders

Somali rebels agree ransom deal with pirate leaders

MOGADISHU, Feb 22 (Reuters) - Somali militants freed pirate gang leaders detained last week after agreeing on a cut for future ransoms as well as a deal to…

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Gadhafi vows to die as a martyr in Libya

Gadhafi vows to die as a martyr in Libya

TRIPOLI — Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi called Tuesday for his supporters to take back the streets from anti-government protesters and vowed to fight on and die as a…

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Pirates kill four US hostages near Somalia

Pirates kill four US hostages near Somalia

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pirates shot dead four U.S. hostages on a private yacht on Tuesday, the deadliest incident involving Americans kidnapped for ransom in the increasingly dangerous waters…

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