Eddig bírta az egyiptomi miniszterelnök

Eddig bírta az egyiptomi miniszterelnök

Egyiptom, Kairó – Lemondott az egyiptomi kormányfő . A hírt az országot jelenleg irányító Legfelsőbb Katonai Tanács tette közzé.

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Arab League rejects foreign military intervention in Libya

Arab League rejects foreign military intervention in Libya

Resolutions expected in Arab League meeting include aid, investigations and guarantees of no military intervention. Libya has been banned from any Arab League meetings.

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Obiang son orders luxury superyacht

Obiang son orders luxury superyacht

Johannesburg - The son of Equatorial Guinea's dictator of 30 years commissioned plans to build a super yacht costing $380m, nearly three times what the country spends on…

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Many targets in DRC coup attempt

Many targets in DRC coup attempt

Kinshasa - The national radio and television headquarters and other institutions were targeted during a weekend attack on the residence of Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila…

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Gaddafi’s Ukrainian nurse is home

Gaddafi’s Ukrainian nurse is home

Kiev - The "voluptuous" Ukrainian nurse who US diplomats said played a crucial role in Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi's daily routine has returned home to Ukraine, a television…

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Egypt bans gold exports, miner says not affected

Egypt bans gold exports, miner says not affected

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt on Sunday banned the export of gold for the next four months, a measure bankers said seemed aimed at preventing businessmen and former government…

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Egypt sets constitutional referendum date

Egypt sets constitutional referendum date

Egypt's new military rulers have decided provisionally to hold a referendum on constitutional changes on March 19, ahead of parliamentary elections slated for June and a presidential poll…

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Vadászat a „puccsistákra” Kongóban

Vadászat a „puccsistákra” Kongóban

Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság, Kinshasa – Nagy vihart kavart Kongóban a vasárnapi puccskísérlet, amiről menet közben az derült ki, hogy nem is volt igazi puccskísérlet. A hatóságok akcióba lendültek,…

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Elkészült az új egyiptomi alkotmány

Elkészült az új egyiptomi alkotmány

Egyiptom, Kairó - Az alkotmánymódosítást előkészítő bizottság befejezte a munkát. Az egyiptomiak népszavazáson döntenek az ország új alaptörvényéről.

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Libyans in battle over oil town

Libyans in battle over oil town

Forces loyal to the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi are moving into rebel territory in the east, capturing an oil installation in the town of Brega.

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