NOUAKCHOTT (Reuters) - A panel of heads of state asked by the African Union to find solutions to the Libyan crisis on Sunday called for an end to…
Thousands in Morocco march for rights, end to graft
RABAT (Reuters) - Thousands took to the streets in cities across Morocco on Sunday demanding better civil rights and an end to corruption in the moderate North African…
Senegal says thwarts coup bid before protest rally
DAKAR (Reuters) - The Senegalese government announced on Saturday it had thwarted an attempted coup by arresting suspected "commando" groups linked to the opposition who were planning lethal…
Libya official media says rebels attacking army
ALGIERS (Reuters) - Libyan armed forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi are under attack from rebels near Benghazi, Libya's state news agency said, contradicting rebel reports that troops were…
Benin’s Yayi wins re-election: vote commission
COTONOU (Reuters) - Benin's incumbent Boni Yayi won last weekend's presidential election with over 53 percent of the vote, meaning he will avoid a run-off vote, the country's…
Gaddafi warns West against military action in Libya
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi warned the West against military intervention in Libya, describing any such act as "clear aggression", a government spokesman quoted him as saying on…
Gaddafi defies West, pushes forces into Benghazi
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's forces pushed into the rebel-held city of Benghazi on Saturday, defying world demands for an immediate ceasefire and forcing rebels…
Ölik egymást az olajért Szudánban
Szudán, Kartúm – Súlyos harcok voltak Szudán olajban gazdag régióiban a dél-szudáni hadsereg és a helyi lázadó milíciák között. A dzsubai vezetés továbbra is azzal vádolja Kartúmot, hogy…
Támad a kolera Ghánában
Ghána, Accra – Kitört a kolera-járvány Ghánában. A legtöbb megbetegedést a fővárosban regisztrálták az orvosok.
A közvetítő közbelép Szudánban
Szudán, Kartúm – A volt dél-afrikai elnök, Thabo Mbeki közvetítésével folytatja a Szudán szétválásáról szóló tárgyalásokat az északiak és a déliek elnöke.