AU panel urges restraint on all parties in Libya

AU panel urges restraint on all parties in Libya

NOUAKCHOTT (Reuters) - A panel of heads of state asked by the African Union to find solutions to the Libyan crisis on Sunday called for an end to…

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Thousands in Morocco march for rights, end to graft

Thousands in Morocco march for rights, end to graft

RABAT (Reuters) - Thousands took to the streets in cities across Morocco on Sunday demanding better civil rights and an end to corruption in the moderate North African…

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Senegal says thwarts coup bid before protest rally

Senegal says thwarts coup bid before protest rally

DAKAR (Reuters) - The Senegalese government announced on Saturday it had thwarted an attempted coup by arresting suspected "commando" groups linked to the opposition who were planning lethal…

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Libya official media says rebels attacking army

Libya official media says rebels attacking army

ALGIERS (Reuters) - Libyan armed forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi are under attack from rebels near Benghazi, Libya's state news agency said, contradicting rebel reports that troops were…

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Benin’s Yayi wins re-election: vote commission

Benin’s Yayi wins re-election: vote commission

COTONOU (Reuters) - Benin's incumbent Boni Yayi won last weekend's presidential election with over 53 percent of the vote, meaning he will avoid a run-off vote, the country's…

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Gaddafi warns West against military action in Libya

Gaddafi warns West against military action in Libya

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi warned the West against military intervention in Libya, describing any such act as "clear aggression", a government spokesman quoted him as saying on…

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Gaddafi defies West, pushes forces into Benghazi

Gaddafi defies West, pushes forces into Benghazi

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's forces pushed into the rebel-held city of Benghazi on Saturday, defying world demands for an immediate ceasefire and forcing rebels…

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Ölik egymást az olajért Szudánban

Ölik egymást az olajért Szudánban

Szudán, Kartúm – Súlyos harcok voltak Szudán olajban gazdag régióiban a dél-szudáni hadsereg és a helyi lázadó milíciák között. A dzsubai vezetés továbbra is azzal vádolja Kartúmot, hogy…

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Támad a kolera Ghánában

Támad a kolera Ghánában

Ghána, Accra – Kitört a kolera-járvány Ghánában. A legtöbb megbetegedést a fővárosban regisztrálták az orvosok.

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A közvetítő közbelép Szudánban

A közvetítő közbelép Szudánban

Szudán, Kartúm – A volt dél-afrikai elnök, Thabo Mbeki közvetítésével folytatja a Szudán szétválásáról szóló tárgyalásokat az északiak és a déliek elnöke.

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