EU bans Mozambique, Madagascar planes

EU bans Mozambique, Madagascar planes

Brussels - The European Commission said on Tuesday that it has banned all Mozambican air carriers and two Air Madagascar planes from the European Union airspace due to…

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Equatorial Guinea buys Israeli gunboats

Equatorial Guinea buys Israeli gunboats

Malabo - Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema announced the acquisition on Tuesday of two new Israeli-built helicopter gunboats to protect the oil-rich African nation.

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Libya: RAF Tornados carry out ‘deliberate, multiple strikes’

Libya: RAF Tornados carry out ‘deliberate, multiple strikes’

RAF Tornados have carried out "deliberate, multiple strikes" aimed at robbing Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of command and control over his forces as NATO on Tuesday stepped up bombing…

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Ki az úr Elefántcsontparton?  Elemzés a Gbagbo-Ouattara ellentétről

Ki az úr Elefántcsontparton? Elemzés a Gbagbo-Ouattara ellentétről

Elefántcsontpart, Abidzsán-Az elmúlt napokban szinte kivétel nélkül Gbagbo elnök bukását és Ouattara (képünkön) győzelmét ünnepelte a hazai és világsajtó jó része, a mozaikok azonban alig álltak össze. A…

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Alkotmányozás kattintásra Marokkóban

Alkotmányozás kattintásra Marokkóban

Marokkó, Tanger -  Megkerülhetetlenné vált egy internetes oldal a marokkói alkotmány felülvizsgálata kapcsán. A két informatikai mérnök által elindított oldalra már több ezer javaslat érkezett a marokkói…

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Bodies in streets after Nigeria election riots

Bodies in streets after Nigeria election riots

KADUNA, Nigeria (Reuters) - Post-election riots in northern Nigeria have killed at least 50 people in major cities alone, according to a tally from witnesses and rescue workers,…

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Egypt used excessive force to quell protests-report

Egypt used excessive force to quell protests-report

CAIRO (Reuters) - A state-appointed committee concluded on Tuesday that Egyptian police used excessive force against pro-democracy protesters in a damning report on their conduct during the unrest…

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Misrata shelled again, but rebels said to make gains

Misrata shelled again, but rebels said to make gains

TUNIS/RABAT (Reuters) - Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi renewed the bombardment of Misrata on Tuesday, causing a number of casualties, an Amnesty International researcher in the besieged Libyan…

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Kenya parliament to seek review of fuel price formula

Kenya parliament to seek review of fuel price formula

MOMBASA, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenya's parliament has asked the government to revise a formula used to determine fuel price caps after the energy regulator raised prices last week,…

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Two students killed in Tunisia school clashes

Two students killed in Tunisia school clashes

TUNIS (Reuters) - A boy and a girl died and more than 40 students were hurt in fighting between hundreds of school children from rival tribes at a…

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