Ivory Coast says needs 15-20 bln euros recovery funds

Ivory Coast says needs 15-20 bln euros recovery funds

PARIS (Reuters) - Newly inaugurated Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara said on Friday his country needed between 15 billion and 20 billion euros in funding to recover from the…

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Gbagbo party to shun Ivory Coast government until he’s freed

Gbagbo party to shun Ivory Coast government until he’s freed

ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ivory Coast's former ruling party acknowledged on Wednesday that President Alassane Ouattara had won November's disputed election, but said it would not join a unity…

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G8 leaders gather in France, eyes on Arabs, IMF

G8 leaders gather in France, eyes on Arabs, IMF

DEAUVILLE, France (Reuters) - Leaders of the Group of Eight began gathering in France on Thursday to endorse aid to new Arab democracies, but wrangling among Western and…

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Thousands flee Sudan’s Abyei as militias move south

Thousands flee Sudan’s Abyei as militias move south

KHARTOUM/JUBA (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people fled Sudan's contested Abyei region as northern militias accused of helping seize the area over the weekend moved further south,…

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UN proposes new peacekeeping force for south Sudan

UN proposes new peacekeeping force for south Sudan

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations has proposed a new peacekeeping force of some 7,000 blue-helmeted troops for south Sudan once it secedes from the north in…

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Tunisians face more job losses as economy struggles

Tunisians face more job losses as economy struggles

LA BAULE, France (Reuters) - Tunisia, touch-paper for unrest that swept the Arab world, will suffer rising unemployment through most of 2011 as the economy struggles to grow,…

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Nigeria prods Ban on Security Council seat

Nigeria prods Ban on Security Council seat

Abuja - President Goodluck Jonathan urged the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Monday to support Nigeria's efforts to become the only African nation with a permanent seat…

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Botswana govt suspends wage talks

Botswana govt suspends wage talks

Gaborone - Botswana has suspended wage negotiations with striking public service workers, insisting that they return to the job before resuming talks, an official said on Wednesday.

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Pirate payoff? Somali government impounds planes full of cash over money laundering fears

Pirate payoff? Somali government impounds planes full of cash over money laundering fears

Somalia, Mogadishu - A Somali lawmaker says authorities have impounded two planes in the Somali capital carrying millions of dollars in cash.

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Cote D’ivoire: Both Sides Responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity

Cote D’ivoire: Both Sides Responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity

Forces allied to both former Côte d'Ivoire President Laurent Gbagbo and incumbent Alassane Ouattara committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during six months of deadly violence following…

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