OUAGADOUGOU (Reuters) - Gunfire rang out on Friday when loyal troops attacked a mutinous military camp in an effort to stamp out protests in Burkina Faso's economic capital,…
UN council demands Khartoum withdraw from Abyei
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council called on the Khartoum government on Friday to withdraw its forces immediately from the Abyei region, a key area of…
China meets Libya rebels in latest blow to Gaddafi
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - China made its first confirmed contact with Libyan rebels in the latest diplomatic setback for Muammar Gaddafi and France said it was working with people…
Menekülthullám és hullámsír Tunéziában
Tunézia, Tunisz – Óriási tömegben menekülnek Afrikából az emberek. Csütörtökön a tunéziai parti őrségnek hatszáz embert sikerült megmentenie, de több mint kétszázan így is a tengerbe vesztek. A…
“A Nyugati Műveltség Bűn” robbantott Nigériában
Nigéria, Maiduguri – A Boko Haram szélsőséges iszlamista csoport vállalta magára a héten elkövetett pokolgépes támadásokat Nigériában. A robbantásokban 16 ember vesztette életét. A pokolgépek pár órával azután…
Libya says will replace energy chief who defected
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - The Libyan government said on Thursday it will send a representative to the next OPEC meeting, replacing the senior oil official who defected saying he…
Nearly 100 civilians killed in Abyei, official says
JUBA/KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Nearly 100 civilians have been killed in Sudan's disputed Abyei region since the northern military seized it on May 21, an Abyei official said on…
US House to have two votes on Libya
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives prepared to vote on Friday on dueling approaches to U.S. involvement in Libya, one directing President Barack Obama to pull U.S.…
Darfur rebels say clash with government troops
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudanese government troops fought with rebels in the western Darfur region on Wednesday and Thursday, killing at least two fighters, spokesmen for two separate rebel…
ANC stalwart Albertina Sisulu dies
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A key figure in South Africa's anti-apartheid movement and ANC stalwart Albertina Sisulu died in Johannesburg on Thursday night, SAPA news agency reported.