Burkina Faso soldiers attack mutineers’ camp

Burkina Faso soldiers attack mutineers’ camp

OUAGADOUGOU (Reuters) - Gunfire rang out on Friday when loyal troops attacked a mutinous military camp in an effort to stamp out protests in Burkina Faso's economic capital,…

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UN council demands Khartoum withdraw from Abyei

UN council demands Khartoum withdraw from Abyei

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council called on the Khartoum government on Friday to withdraw its forces immediately from the Abyei region, a key area of…

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China meets Libya rebels in latest blow to Gaddafi

China meets Libya rebels in latest blow to Gaddafi

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - China made its first confirmed contact with Libyan rebels in the latest diplomatic setback for Muammar Gaddafi and France said it was working with people…

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Menekülthullám és hullámsír Tunéziában 

Menekülthullám és hullámsír Tunéziában 

Tunézia, Tunisz – Óriási tömegben menekülnek Afrikából az emberek. Csütörtökön a tunéziai parti őrségnek hatszáz embert sikerült megmentenie, de több mint kétszázan így is a tengerbe vesztek. A…

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“A Nyugati Műveltség Bűn” robbantott Nigériában

“A Nyugati Műveltség Bűn” robbantott Nigériában

Nigéria, Maiduguri – A Boko Haram szélsőséges iszlamista csoport vállalta magára a héten elkövetett pokolgépes támadásokat Nigériában. A robbantásokban 16 ember vesztette életét. A pokolgépek pár órával azután…

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Libya says will replace energy chief who defected

Libya says will replace energy chief who defected

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - The Libyan government said on Thursday it will send a representative to the next OPEC meeting, replacing the senior oil official who defected saying he…

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Nearly 100 civilians killed in Abyei, official says

Nearly 100 civilians killed in Abyei, official says

JUBA/KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Nearly 100 civilians have been killed in Sudan's disputed Abyei region since the northern military seized it on May 21, an Abyei official said on…

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US House to have two votes on Libya

US House to have two votes on Libya

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives prepared to vote on Friday on dueling approaches to U.S. involvement in Libya, one directing President Barack Obama to pull U.S.…

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Darfur rebels say clash with government troops

Darfur rebels say clash with government troops

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudanese government troops fought with rebels in the western Darfur region on Wednesday and Thursday, killing at least two fighters, spokesmen for two separate rebel…

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ANC stalwart Albertina Sisulu dies

ANC stalwart Albertina Sisulu dies

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A key figure in South Africa's anti-apartheid movement and ANC stalwart Albertina Sisulu died in Johannesburg on Thursday night, SAPA news agency reported.

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