LAGOS (Reuters) - Nigeria's outgoing parliament speaker will appear in court on Wednesday to face accusations that he misappropriated tens of millions of dollars in a case that…
Fighting kills six in Sudan’s South Kordofan: UN
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Fighting between northern and southern-allied forces in the capital of Sudan's South Kordofan state has killed six people, the U.N. Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) said…
Hátraarc Egyiptomban
Egyiptom, Kairó – Több ezren vonultak az utcákra Kairóban és Alexandriában, hogy megemlékezzenek a felkelés jelképévé vált aktivista tragikus haláláról.
Leértékelt tunéziai menekültek
Franciaország, Párizs – Alaposan megvágta a francia Bevándorlási Hivatal azt a támogatást, amelyet a Tunéziába önkéntesen visszatérni szándékozóknak adna. Eleinte 2000 euróról volt szó, ám kiderült, csak 300…
Explosions in Tripoli, rebels seize Libyan town
YAFRAN/TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Loud explosions shook Tripoli early on Tuesday morning in what appeared to be stepped up NATO air strikes on the Libyan capital, and rebel forces…
Egyptians honour activist whose death sparked revolt
CAIRO (Reuters) - Hundreds of Egyptians took to the streets on Monday and stood in silence in memory of activist Khaled Said, beaten to death outside an Internet…
AfDB lends S.Africa’s Eskom $365m for green power
TUNIS (Reuters) - The African Development Bank (AfDB) will lend $365 million to South Africa's coal-intensive power utility to boost its share of renewable energy, saving millions of…
Troops to stay in Abyei for now: Sudan minister
LONDON (Reuters) - Sudan's Foreign Minister Ali Karti said on Monday the army would stay in Abyei, a disputed region in the north-south division of the country next…
Nigerian leader to pick cabinet this week: source
ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan will send a list of nominees for his new cabinet to the Senate for approval this week and some outgoing ministers…
Lebuktak a luxusautó tolvajok Algériában
Algéria, Algír – Az algériai hatóságok letartóztattak nyolc autócsempészt. A férfiak az Európából lopott luxusjárművekkel a tunéziai-algériai határon buktak le.