Nigerian ex-parliament speaker to face fraud charges

Nigerian ex-parliament speaker to face fraud charges

LAGOS (Reuters) - Nigeria's outgoing parliament speaker will appear in court on Wednesday to face accusations that he misappropriated tens of millions of dollars in a case that…

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Fighting kills six in Sudan’s South Kordofan: UN

Fighting kills six in Sudan’s South Kordofan: UN

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Fighting between northern and southern-allied forces in the capital of Sudan's South Kordofan state has killed six people, the U.N. Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) said…

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Hátraarc Egyiptomban

Hátraarc Egyiptomban

Egyiptom, Kairó – Több ezren vonultak az utcákra Kairóban és Alexandriában, hogy megemlékezzenek a felkelés jelképévé vált aktivista tragikus haláláról.

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Leértékelt tunéziai menekültek

Leértékelt tunéziai menekültek

Franciaország, Párizs – Alaposan megvágta a francia Bevándorlási Hivatal azt a támogatást, amelyet a Tunéziába önkéntesen visszatérni szándékozóknak adna. Eleinte 2000 euróról volt szó, ám kiderült, csak 300…

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Explosions in Tripoli, rebels seize Libyan town

Explosions in Tripoli, rebels seize Libyan town

YAFRAN/TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Loud explosions shook Tripoli early on Tuesday morning in what appeared to be stepped up NATO air strikes on the Libyan capital, and rebel forces…

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Egyptians honour activist whose death sparked revolt

Egyptians honour activist whose death sparked revolt

CAIRO (Reuters) - Hundreds of Egyptians took to the streets on Monday and stood in silence in memory of activist Khaled Said, beaten to death outside an Internet…

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AfDB lends S.Africa’s Eskom $365m for green power

AfDB lends S.Africa’s Eskom $365m for green power

TUNIS (Reuters) - The African Development Bank (AfDB) will lend $365 million to South Africa's coal-intensive power utility to boost its share of renewable energy, saving millions of…

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Troops to stay in Abyei for now: Sudan minister

Troops to stay in Abyei for now: Sudan minister

LONDON (Reuters) - Sudan's Foreign Minister Ali Karti said on Monday the army would stay in Abyei, a disputed region in the north-south division of the country next…

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Nigerian leader to pick cabinet this week: source

Nigerian leader to pick cabinet this week: source

ABUJA (Reuters) - Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan will send a list of nominees for his new cabinet to the Senate for approval this week and some outgoing ministers…

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Lebuktak a luxusautó tolvajok Algériában

Lebuktak a luxusautó tolvajok Algériában

Algéria, Algír – Az algériai hatóságok letartóztattak nyolc autócsempészt. A férfiak az Európából lopott luxusjárművekkel a tunéziai-algériai határon buktak le.

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