Halál vár a nigériai drogfutárokra

Halál vár a nigériai drogfutárokra

Malajzia, Kuala Lumpur – Nigériai kábítószercsempészeket vettek őrizetbe a malajziai rendőrök Kuala Lumpurban. Az akció során az egyik afrikai meghalt. Valószínűleg a korábban lenyelt heroin kapszulák egyike oldódott…

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Algéria és Líbia-Lassú elszakadás Tripolitól

Algéria és Líbia-Lassú elszakadás Tripolitól

Algéria, Algir – A hosszú szakítást választotta Algéria Kadhafi Líbiájával. Az algíri kormányt, főleg marokkói oldalról többször vádolták azzal, hogy zsoldosokat és fegyvereket küld Kadhafinak, ezeket a gyanúsításokat…

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Western, Arab talks to focus on Libya “end-game”

Western, Arab talks to focus on Libya “end-game”

MISRATA (Reuters) - Western and Arab nations meet in Abu Dhabi on Thursday to focus on what one U.S. official called the "end-game" for Libya's Muammar Gaddafi as…

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Prosecutor says Gaddafi linked to rape policy

Prosecutor says Gaddafi linked to rape policy

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - International Criminal Court investigators have evidence linking Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to a policy of raping opponents and may bring separate charges on the…

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Somalia rival leaders agree to defer elections

Somalia rival leaders agree to defer elections

KAMPALA (Reuters) - Somalia's feuding leaders agreed on Thursday to extend the mandate of both government and parliament for a year and hold elections by August next year.

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Ethiopia jails 14 for AU summit bomb plot

Ethiopia jails 14 for AU summit bomb plot

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - An Ethiopian court sentenced 14 people to lengthy prison terms on Wednesday for plotting to carry out bombings during an African Union summit in…

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Fire extinguished at Tripoli journalist hotel

Fire extinguished at Tripoli journalist hotel

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - A fire broke out early on Thursday morning at the hotel housing foreign journalists in the Libyan capital Tripoli, a Reuters witness said.

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Kagame: 93% of vote was not enough

Kagame: 93% of vote was not enough

New York - Rwanda's president Paul Kagame bristled on Tuesday at suggestions that democracy is not flourishing in his country, and said that the 93% of the vote…

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Zimbabwe policeman jailed for using Mugabe’s toilet

Zimbabwe policeman jailed for using Mugabe’s toilet

Relatives of a policeman jailed in Zimbabwe for using a toilet reserved for President Robert Mugabe are appealing for his release.

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E Guinea opens city built for AU summit

E Guinea opens city built for AU summit

Malabo - Equatorial Guinea has unveiled a new city of luxury villas, an artificial beach and a golf course built in just two years to host this month's…

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