Somalia worst place to be a woman: minister

Somalia worst place to be a woman: minister

LONDON, June 15 (TrustLaw) - A Thomson Reuters Foundation poll may have found that Afghanistan is the most dangerous place to be a woman, but Somalia's women's minister…

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Diets of poor hurt by rise in food prices: Oxfam

Diets of poor hurt by rise in food prices: Oxfam

LONDON (Reuters) - Rising food prices, hovering near record highs after a spike in grain costs, are changing diets particularly in developing countries such as Kenya, according to…

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Csípős válasz az ugandai erőszakoskodóknak

Csípős válasz az ugandai erőszakoskodóknak

Uganda, Kamapala – Az ugandai kormány paprika spray-t ad térítésmentesen a fiatal nőknek, hogy elkerüljék az erőszakos cselekményeket. A kelet-afrikai országban rendkívül magas a szexuális zaklatási ügyek száma.

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Kémet vagy diákot fogtak Egyiptomban?

Kémet vagy diákot fogtak Egyiptomban?

Egyiptom, Kairó – Őrizetbe vettek egy izraeli-amerikai kettős állampolgárt Egyiptomban. A hatóságok kémkedéssel gyanúsítják. Az izraeli titkosszolgálat tagadja, hogy a 27 éves férfi ügynök lenne. De akkor ki…

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A Nagy Per Tunéziában

A Nagy Per Tunéziában

Tunézia, Tunisz – Kezdődik a nagy per Tuniszban. Az ideiglenes miniszterelnök az al-Dzsazíra televíziónak úgy nyilatkozott, hogy június 20-án tartják az első tárgyalást a volt diktátor, Ben Ali…

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Former Tunisian president to face June 20 trial

Former Tunisian president to face June 20 trial

TUNIS (Reuters) - Former Tunisian president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, who fled to Saudi Arabia in January, will be tried in absentia on June 20, Tunisia's interim prime…

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Two die in Niger clash with Sahel bandits : officials

Two die in Niger clash with Sahel bandits : officials

NIAMEY (Reuters) - Two people died following a clash between security forces and bandits on Sunday in northern Niger, where al Qaeda's North African wing operates alongside smugglers,…

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Eritrean volcanic ash cloud threatens air travel

Eritrean volcanic ash cloud threatens air travel

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - A long-dormant volcano has erupted in Eritrea, monitors said on Monday, spewing a huge ash cloud across the Horn of Africa, threatening air travel…

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Madagascar to reject return of political exiles

Madagascar to reject return of political exiles

ANTANANARIVO (Reuters) - Madagascar will reject a call from southern African leaders to allow all political exiles, including former President Marc Ravalomanana, to return home to end a…

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Libyan rebels edge westwards out of Misrata

Libyan rebels edge westwards out of Misrata

MISRATA, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan rebels edged slowly beyond their western stronghold of Misrata towards Tripoli, but faced supply shortages after shelling from Muammar Gaddafi forces hit a…

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