Rwandan cops arrest 6 for attack plots

Rwandan cops arrest 6 for attack plots

Kigali - Rwandan police said on Wednesday they had arrested a senior army officer and five other suspects for plotting attacks on political leaders and key infrastructure projects.

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General booted from Zim constitution body

General booted from Zim constitution body

Harare - A Zimbabwe army general has been removed from the country's constitution-making body, after he called for President Robert Mugabe to remain in office for life, a…

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Gunmen kill DRC journalist

Gunmen kill DRC journalist

Kinshasa - Gunmen shot dead a local community radio journalist in the volatile eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, media watchdog Journalists in Danger said on Wednesday.

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Zim civil servants strike for 150% pay rise

Zim civil servants strike for 150% pay rise

Harare - Civil servants in Zimbabwe on Wednesday began an indefinite strike, demanding a pay hike of at least 150% and action against militants targeting teachers in rural…

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Gaddafi defiant, continues to fight

Gaddafi defiant, continues to fight

Tripoli - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi issued a defiant audio message late on Wednesday saying he had his "back to the wall" but did not fear death, and…

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Sziklaszilárd pártfegyelem Egyiptomban

Sziklaszilárd pártfegyelem Egyiptomban

Egyiptom, Kairó – Kizárták a Muzulmán Testvériség soraiból azt a magas rangú vezetőt, aki kijelentette, hogy függetlenként szeretne indulni az egyiptomi elnökválasztáson. A mozgalom korábban úgy döntött, hogy…

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Csonka konzultáció Algériában

Csonka konzultáció Algériában

Algéria, Algír – Véget értek a reformegyeztetések Algériában. A megbeszéléseket több ellenzéki szervezet bojkottálta. Szerintük nem lesz semmilyen érdemi átalakítás Algériában.

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Swaziland turns to S.Africa for bailout

Swaziland turns to S.Africa for bailout

CAPE TOWN, June 23 (Reuters) - Swaziland has asked neighbouring South Africa for an emergency bailout to patch over a national cash crunch that has sparked rare political…

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Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood expels presidential hopeful

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood expels presidential hopeful

CAIRO, June 21 (Reuters) - Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood has expelled a senior member for saying he would run for president in defiance of the group's decision not to…

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Army laying mines near Tripoli – report

Army laying mines near Tripoli – report

Benghazi - The army of Muammar Gaddafi has laid land mines in Libya's Nafusa Mountains to counter rebel attacks there, Human Rights Watch said on Tuesday.

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