Leading defector predicts Gaddafi will quit Libya

Leading defector predicts Gaddafi will quit Libya

ROME (Reuters) – A former Libyan foreign minister who has defected to the opposition said on Thursday he believed Muammar Gaddafi realized he could no longer stay in…

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100s of villagers raped, beaten

100s of villagers raped, beaten

Kinshasa - More than 100 villagers in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo were raped or beaten in a two-day attack this month, the Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF)…

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Zim army chief: Tsvangirai is a threat

Zim army chief: Tsvangirai is a threat

Harare - A top army officer and close ally of veteran Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe accused Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of being a national security threat and a…

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Százával becstelenítik meg a kongói nőket

Százával becstelenítik meg a kongói nőket

Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság, Kinshasa – A Dél-Kivu tartományban dolgozó külföldi segélymunkások és helyi újságírók jelentették, hogy csaknem száz nő esett nemi erőszak áldozatául két nap leforgása alatt a…

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Somali PM resigns after Kampala agreement

Somali PM resigns after Kampala agreement

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's prime minister said he had resigned on Sunday, paving the way for the formation of a new government whose priority will be quashing an…

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Lelőtték a kongói „Beszéljük meg”műsorvezetőjét

Lelőtték a kongói „Beszéljük meg”műsorvezetőjét

Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság, Kinshasa – Meggyilkoltak egy újságírót Kelet-Kongóban. Parchelly Kambale Musoni rádiós volt. Betelefonálós műsorában bűnrészességgel vádolták meg a helyi hatóságokat a hallgatók.

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Thousands protest in Morocco for more reform

Thousands protest in Morocco for more reform

Protesters say king’s reforms do not go far enough Monarch offered to devolve some of his powers Changes to be put to referendum on July 1 By Souhail…

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Aircraft attack rebel base in south Somalia-rebels

Aircraft attack rebel base in south Somalia-rebels

MOGADISHU, June 23 (Reuters) - Unidentified aircraft attacked an insurgent base near the southern Somali port of Kismayu late on Thursday, wounding a number of fighters, al Shabaab…

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IMF expects Egypt’s economy to recover over next five years 

IMF expects Egypt’s economy to recover over next five years 

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has issued a report saying it expects the Egyptian economy to recover over the next five years.

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Tunisia: leather and footwear exports up 16.% 

Tunisia: leather and footwear exports up 16.% 

Exports of the leather and footwear industries increased by 16.8% between 2010-2011 (the first five months), going up from 381.8 million dinars (MTD) to 446.1 MTD, according to…

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