Africa can gain from dearer Chinese labour: World Bank

Africa can gain from dearer Chinese labour: World Bank

MALABO, July 4 (Reuters) - Rising labour costs will push over 80 million Chinese jobs in light manufacturing abroad over the next three to five years, with African nations…

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DR Congo election protests turn violent

DR Congo election protests turn violent

KINSHASA (Reuters) - Police in the Democratic Republic of Congo used tear gas on Monday to disperse hundreds of opposition supporters protesting outside the electoral commission against alleged irregularities…

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Bloc calls for AU, UN sanctions on Eritrea mining

Bloc calls for AU, UN sanctions on Eritrea mining

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - An East African bloc on Monday asked the United Nations and the African Union to impose sanctions on Eritrea's booming mining sector for its alleged…

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Tüntetések a referendum után Marokkóban

Tüntetések a referendum után Marokkóban

Marokkó, Rabat – Több ezer embert tüntetett Marokkóban az alkotmányos reformok miatt. Sokan azt kifogásolták, hogy a reformok nem elég átfogóak, és nem eredményez valódi változást. Szerintük az uralkodónak…

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Egy békefenntartó halála Szudánban

Egy békefenntartó halála Szudánban

Szudán, Kartúm – Megtámadtak egy ENSZ békefenntartó konvojt Szudán Darfur régiójában. A fegyveresek lelőttek egy kéksisakost, egy másikat megsebesíttek – jelentette az UNAMID.

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Nigeria ‘militant’ attacks leave 10 dead in Maiduguri

Nigeria ‘militant’ attacks leave 10 dead in Maiduguri

At least 10 people have been killed in a series of attacks blamed on Islamist militants in the north-eastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri, officials have said.

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Ethiopia drought: UK pledges £38m in food aid

Ethiopia drought: UK pledges £38m in food aid

The UK has pledged £38m ($61m) in food aid to drought-hit Ethiopia - enough to feed 1.3m people for three months.

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Monaco newlyweds host royal brunch before S.Africa trip

Monaco newlyweds host royal brunch before S.Africa trip

Newlyweds Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene of Monaco hosted brunch for wedding guests Sunday after a two-day marriage celebration and ahead of a trip to the bride's…

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S.African metal workers union calls for strike

S.African metal workers union calls for strike

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) announced on Sunday a country-wide strike that could see more than 300,000 workers down their tools.

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Gunmen kill Ethiopian peacekeeper in Sudan’s Darfur

Gunmen kill Ethiopian peacekeeper in Sudan’s Darfur

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Gunmen shot dead an Ethiopian peacekeeper and injured one of his comrades in Sudan's Darfur region on Thursday, his joint U.N/African Union mission said on Saturday.

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