Riots in Malawi as protesters demand Mutharika leave

Riots in Malawi as protesters demand Mutharika leave

BLANTYRE (Reuters) - Riots broke out in several cities in Malawi on Wednesday after police and the army tried to disperse protesters demanding the resignation of President Bingu wa…

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Már az ENSZ is éhínségről beszél Szomáliában

Már az ENSZ is éhínségről beszél Szomáliában

Kenya, Nairobi – A szárazság és a csapadékhiány miatt rendkívül rossz volt a termés Szomáliában, ahol ráadásul 20 éve polgárháború pusztít. Több millió ember szorul azonnali segélyekre. Az…

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Pro-govt gangs hit Malawi streets ahead of protests

Pro-govt gangs hit Malawi streets ahead of protests

BLANTYRE (Reuters) - Gangs of machete-wielding pro-government youths took to the streets of Malawi's commercial capital on Tuesday, a day ahead of planned protests against President Bingu wa Mutharika,…

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South Sudan heralds independence with 1st oil cargo

South Sudan heralds independence with 1st oil cargo

JUBA (Reuters) - South Sudan has sold its first oil this week, heralding its appearance on the market 10 days after gaining independence and despite having yet to reach…

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Libyan rebels say they have encircled Brega

Libyan rebels say they have encircled Brega

MISRATA, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan rebels have encircled the eastern oil hub of Brega and control parts of the town, whose capture would mark a major boost for their…

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Guinean president survives assassination attempt

Guinean president survives assassination attempt

CONAKRY, Guinea (AP) — Guinea's president narrowly survived an assassination attempt Tuesday after gunmen surrounded his home overnight and pounded his bedroom with rockets, throwing into doubt the…

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UN declares famine in southern Somalia

UN declares famine in southern Somalia

The United Nations said Wednesday that famine has hit two parts of rebel-held Somalia, due to a severe drought affecting more than 10 million people in the Horn of Africa.

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Megsínylette a minisztercseréket az egyiptomi kormányfő szervezete

Megsínylette a minisztercseréket az egyiptomi kormányfő szervezete

Egyiptom, Kairó – Kórházba szállították Essam Sharaf egyiptomi kormányfőt, ezért el kellett halasztani néhány új miniszter kinevezését. Az országban 12 minisztert váltottak le a tüntetők nyomására. A tárcavezetőket…

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S.Africa’s fuel workers reject 8 pct pay increase

S.Africa’s fuel workers reject 8 pct pay increase

CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - South Africa's fuel workers union has rejected a minimum 8 percent wage increase and is holding out for a double-digit hike, the union's chief negotiator…

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Gambia’s Jammeh vows won’t be ousted by votes or coup

Gambia’s Jammeh vows won’t be ousted by votes or coup

BANJUL (Reuters) - Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh said on Monday neither an election nor a coup could remove him from power, adding that it would take divine intervention for…

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