Kenya, Isiolo – Bombatámadást hajtottak végre a szomáliai lázadók kenyai rendőrök ellen. Az incidens a két ország határánál történt. Egy rendőr meghalt.
Africa Holding’s breakthrough in London
Budapest, Hungary – As its first member from the East European Region, Afrika Holding was admitted to the Eastern African Association, which is headquartered in London.
Hungarian Entrepreneurs: Go to North Africa!
North Africa, Budapest – Building connections after the Revolutions, strengthening business cooperation – these are the aims of the newly created North African Trade Department of the Budapest…
Ellopták az öreg Sam aranyát Zimbabwéban
Zimbabwe, Harare – Fegyveres banditák támadtak meg egy aranybányát, 140 km-re a fővárostól. A rablók négy tonna aranyércet vittek el.
Moroccan military plane crash kills 78: military
RABAT (Reuters) - At least 78 people were killed on Tuesday when a Moroccan military transport plane crashed into a mountain in the south of the country during bad…
Rare heavy snow snarls S.African transport
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - An unusually heavy snowfall that blanketed large parts of South Africa snarled transport on Tuesday, halting trains and leaving thousands of motorists stranded after highways closed.
Liberia’s Sirleaf confident of winning new term
VOINJAMA, Liberia (Reuters) - Liberia's Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf pledged on Tuesday to step up the fight against unemployment in her West African nation if re-elected later this year, saying in…
Britain to expel Libyan embassy staff
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is to recognise the rebel opposition as Libya's legitimate government and expel all existing Libyan embassy staff from the country, Foreign Secretary William Hague said…
Four tonnes of gold ore stolen from Zimbabwe mine
Four tonnes of gold ore were stolen from a Zimbabwe mine after armed gangs staged two daring robberies, state media reported Wednesday.
Egy utas késett, ő maradt csak életben Marokkóban
Marokkó, Rabat – Háromnapos nemzeti gyászt hirdetett a marokkói uralkodó a tegnapi repülőgép szerencsétlenség után. Egy katonai szállítógép hegynek ütközött, senki sem élte túl a balesetet.