South Sudan joins African Union as 54th member

South Sudan joins African Union as 54th member

South Sudan became the 54th member of the African Union (AU) after it received a majority vote from member states, including one from Sudan, the Pan-African bloc said Thursday.

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Street battles in Somali capital amid famine help

Street battles in Somali capital amid famine help

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — African Union troops fought house-to-house battles with militants Thursday to clear space for aid groups bringing in food supplies after intelligence reports showed insurgents…

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Uganda teachers strike, activists urge more protests

Uganda teachers strike, activists urge more protests

KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan teachers went on strike on Thursday over low salaries and demanded a 100 percent pay rise to go back to work, a senior union official…

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Captured Libyan soldiers say army morale is low

Captured Libyan soldiers say army morale is low

NALUT, Libya, July 28 - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's army is so demoralised that officers have to threaten soldiers and their families with death to force them to…

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Czechs not ready to recognise Libya rebels

Czechs not ready to recognise Libya rebels

PRAGUE (Reuters) - The Czech Republic will not recognise rebels opposing Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi as Libya's official government until they control the entire country, Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg…

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A „nulláról” kezdés nem csak hátrány Dél-Szudánban

A „nulláról” kezdés nem csak hátrány Dél-Szudánban

Etiópia, Addisz Abeba – Dél-Szudán felvételt nyert az Afrikai Unióba és ezzel 54-tagúra bővült a szervezet. Dél-Szudán július 9.-én kiáltotta ki függetlenségét, amikor hivatalosan is elszakadt Szudántól.

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Félelem és rettegés Kelet-Kongóban

Félelem és rettegés Kelet-Kongóban

Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság, Kinshasa –Cserbenhagyottnak érzik magukat az ország keleti felében élő kongóiak. Egy felmérés szerint a Felső Uélé tartomány lakói úgy látják, az ENSZ odavetette őket a…

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Algeria boosts food imports

Algeria boosts food imports

Algiers - Faced with crumbling regimes across the Arab world, Algeria has dramatically boosted its grain imports to contain social unrest ahead of Ramadan, when food prices traditionally…

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Fighting breaks out in Somali capital

Fighting breaks out in Somali capital

Mogadishu - Heavy fighting broke out on Thursday in the Somali capital Mogadishu, after government forces backed by African Union troops launched an assault against a stronghold of…

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40 Americans join Shabaab in Somalia

40 Americans join Shabaab in Somalia

Washington - An al-Qaeda-linked terror group in war-devastated Somalia has been recruiting and radicalising more Americans to join its cause than counter terrorism officials have acknowledged publicly, the…

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