South Sudan became the 54th member of the African Union (AU) after it received a majority vote from member states, including one from Sudan, the Pan-African bloc said Thursday.
Street battles in Somali capital amid famine help
MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — African Union troops fought house-to-house battles with militants Thursday to clear space for aid groups bringing in food supplies after intelligence reports showed insurgents…
Uganda teachers strike, activists urge more protests
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan teachers went on strike on Thursday over low salaries and demanded a 100 percent pay rise to go back to work, a senior union official…
Captured Libyan soldiers say army morale is low
NALUT, Libya, July 28 - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's army is so demoralised that officers have to threaten soldiers and their families with death to force them to…
Czechs not ready to recognise Libya rebels
PRAGUE (Reuters) - The Czech Republic will not recognise rebels opposing Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi as Libya's official government until they control the entire country, Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg…
A „nulláról” kezdés nem csak hátrány Dél-Szudánban
Etiópia, Addisz Abeba – Dél-Szudán felvételt nyert az Afrikai Unióba és ezzel 54-tagúra bővült a szervezet. Dél-Szudán július 9.-én kiáltotta ki függetlenségét, amikor hivatalosan is elszakadt Szudántól.
Félelem és rettegés Kelet-Kongóban
Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság, Kinshasa –Cserbenhagyottnak érzik magukat az ország keleti felében élő kongóiak. Egy felmérés szerint a Felső Uélé tartomány lakói úgy látják, az ENSZ odavetette őket a…
Algeria boosts food imports
Algiers - Faced with crumbling regimes across the Arab world, Algeria has dramatically boosted its grain imports to contain social unrest ahead of Ramadan, when food prices traditionally…
Fighting breaks out in Somali capital
Mogadishu - Heavy fighting broke out on Thursday in the Somali capital Mogadishu, after government forces backed by African Union troops launched an assault against a stronghold of…
40 Americans join Shabaab in Somalia
Washington - An al-Qaeda-linked terror group in war-devastated Somalia has been recruiting and radicalising more Americans to join its cause than counter terrorism officials have acknowledged publicly, the…