Marokkói leves, szenegáli hal 

Marokkói leves, szenegáli hal 

Afrika – Véget ért a muzulmánok szent böjtje, a Ramadán. Ám ez az egy hónap is bővelkedett kulináris csemegékben.  Most a legnépszerűbb két fogás következik.

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Nigeria hunts al-Qaida-linked man in UN HQ bombing

Nigeria hunts al-Qaida-linked man in UN HQ bombing

LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — A member of a radical Muslim sect with "al-Qaida links" helped mastermind the bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Nigeria's capital, the nation's…

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S.African diplomat Botha in hospital with heart trouble

S.African diplomat Botha in hospital with heart trouble

Apartheid-era South African foreign minister Pik Botha was hospitalised in Pretoria on Wednesday with heart trouble, the hospital and the diplomat's wife Ina said.

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‘Blade runner’ star attraction in Mozambique

‘Blade runner’ star attraction in Mozambique

Mozambique craves global recognition as the 10th All-Africa Games begin Saturday at Zimpeto National Stadium near this capital city.

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Ugandan police ban North Africa-solidarity rally

Ugandan police ban North Africa-solidarity rally

KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan police on Wednesday banned an opposition rally planned to congratulate North Africans for toppling oppressive leaders, saying it would incite violence.

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Elmérgesedhet a szomszédviszály Líbia és Algéria között

Elmérgesedhet a szomszédviszály Líbia és Algéria között

Algéria, Algír – Kadhafiék befogadása mérgezheti Algéria és az új Líbia közötti kapcsolatok fejlődését. Algír a líbiai felkelés kipattanása óta azt hangsúlyozza hivatalosan, hogy nem kíván a szomszédos…

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Liberia poll delay plans faltering, vote seen in October

Liberia poll delay plans faltering, vote seen in October

MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia's presidential election is now likely to be held in October as a proposed delay until November fell short in a referendum, according to results from…

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Zimbabwe expels Libyan ambassador for defection

Zimbabwe expels Libyan ambassador for defection

HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe expelled the Libyan ambassador and his staff on Tuesday for switching allegiance to Libya's ruling interim council, the foreign minister said.

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Somalian militant leader denounces reluctant fighters

Somalian militant leader denounces reluctant fighters

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The leader of al Shabaab militants in Somalia, who were driven out of the capital last week, on Tuesday lambasted fighters who he said had given…

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Cameroon to vote for president October 9

Cameroon to vote for president October 9

Cameroon, which has had only two presidents since independence in 1960, will hold presidential elections on October 9, incumbent Paul Biya announced Tuesday following opposition calls for him…

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