Afrika – Véget ért a muzulmánok szent böjtje, a Ramadán. Ám ez az egy hónap is bővelkedett kulináris csemegékben. Most a legnépszerűbb két fogás következik.
Nigeria hunts al-Qaida-linked man in UN HQ bombing
LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — A member of a radical Muslim sect with "al-Qaida links" helped mastermind the bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Nigeria's capital, the nation's…
S.African diplomat Botha in hospital with heart trouble
Apartheid-era South African foreign minister Pik Botha was hospitalised in Pretoria on Wednesday with heart trouble, the hospital and the diplomat's wife Ina said.
‘Blade runner’ star attraction in Mozambique
Mozambique craves global recognition as the 10th All-Africa Games begin Saturday at Zimpeto National Stadium near this capital city.
Ugandan police ban North Africa-solidarity rally
KAMPALA (Reuters) - Ugandan police on Wednesday banned an opposition rally planned to congratulate North Africans for toppling oppressive leaders, saying it would incite violence.
Elmérgesedhet a szomszédviszály Líbia és Algéria között
Algéria, Algír – Kadhafiék befogadása mérgezheti Algéria és az új Líbia közötti kapcsolatok fejlődését. Algír a líbiai felkelés kipattanása óta azt hangsúlyozza hivatalosan, hogy nem kíván a szomszédos…
Liberia poll delay plans faltering, vote seen in October
MONROVIA (Reuters) - Liberia's presidential election is now likely to be held in October as a proposed delay until November fell short in a referendum, according to results from…
Zimbabwe expels Libyan ambassador for defection
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe expelled the Libyan ambassador and his staff on Tuesday for switching allegiance to Libya's ruling interim council, the foreign minister said.
Somalian militant leader denounces reluctant fighters
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The leader of al Shabaab militants in Somalia, who were driven out of the capital last week, on Tuesday lambasted fighters who he said had given…
Cameroon to vote for president October 9
Cameroon, which has had only two presidents since independence in 1960, will hold presidential elections on October 9, incumbent Paul Biya announced Tuesday following opposition calls for him…