Mobutu’s son to run for DRC president

Mobutu’s son to run for DRC president

Kinshasa - Nzanga Mobutu, the son of former dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, has officially filed his candidacy for the Democratic Republic of Congo's November presidential elections, an AFP…

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Ghana boat capsizes, 10 missing

Ghana boat capsizes, 10 missing

Accra - A boat carrying over 90 passengers capsized on Ghana's Lake Volta, killing two and leaving 10 missing, a rescue official said on Wednesday.

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Banda leads Zambia election race: just

Banda leads Zambia election race: just

LUSAKA (Reuters) - Zambian President Rupiah Banda has a narrow lead over opposition leader Michael Sata ahead of September 20 elections although a number of undecideds mean an upset…

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Heineken to invest 400 mln euros in Congo over 5 years

Heineken to invest 400 mln euros in Congo over 5 years

KINSHASA (Reuters) - Heineken plans to invest 400 million euros in its Bralima breweries in Democratic Republic of Congo over the next five years, to tap into the country's…

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Kenyan pastoralist clashes kill seven: officials

Kenyan pastoralist clashes kill seven: officials

ISIOLO, Kenya (Reuters) - Fighting between pastoralists over grazing land in drought-ravaged northern Kenya on Wednesday killed seven people, the latest in a string of deadly clashes this year,…

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Véres adok-kapok Kongóban

Véres adok-kapok Kongóban

Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság, Kinshasa – Ellenzéki tüntetés volt a fővárosban. A biztonságiak nagy erőkkel vonultak ki és belelőttek a tömegbe. A közép-afrikai országban hamarosan választásokat tartanak. Az ENSZ…

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Hiába a tiltás, tiltakoznak a tunéziai rendőrök

Hiába a tiltás, tiltakoznak a tunéziai rendőrök

Tunézia, Tunisz – A tunéziai átmeneti kormány megtiltotta a biztonsági erőknek, hogy csatlakozzanak a szakszervezeti tüntetésekhez. Tunéziában Ben Ali elüldözése után is törékeny a helyzet, sokan úgy gondolják,…

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Politikai focihuliganizmus Egyiptomban

Politikai focihuliganizmus Egyiptomban

Egyiptom, Kairó – Összecsaptak az Al-Ahly labdarúgó klub szurkolói a rendőrökkel Kairóban. A verekedésben legalább 80 ember megsérült.

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Ivory Coast uncovers large weapons caches

Ivory Coast uncovers large weapons caches

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) — Ivory Coast's defense minister says security forces have uncovered large weapons caches bought by the country's former strongman at three sites across the…

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Dozens of Egypt cops hurt in football clash

Dozens of Egypt cops hurt in football clash

Cairo - Egyptian football fans clashed with police in a Cairo stadium late on Tuesday, injuring nearly 80 people, after they chanted slogans against ousted president Hosni Mubarak…

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