Gunmen on Tuesday kidnapped an American, a Dane and a Somali working for the Danish Demining Group in central Somalia, the latest abductions by armed gangs in the war-torn nation.
Kadhafi son Seif al-Islam near Niger border: Tuareg source
Former Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's son and onetime heir apparent Seif al-Islam was on Tuesday poised to cross into Nigeralong with his father's ex-intelligence chief, a Tuareg official said.
Koalíciós tárgyalások jönnek Tunéziában
Tunézia, Tunisz – Iszlamista-laikus koalíció alakulhat az Alkotmányozó Nemzetgyűlésben Tunéziában. Az eddig nyilvánosságra került részeredmények szerint a választásokat a mérsékelt iszlamista párt, az Ennahda nyerte, de nem lesz…
Fresh oil pollution reported in Nigerian region
A Nigerian environmental group on Monday claimed an oil spillfrom a pipeline operated by Italian firm ENI had badly polluted an area in the south of Africa's largest oil producer.
France to help supply Kenyans fighting in Somalia
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — France said Monday it would ferry supplies to Kenyan troops fighting an Islamist militia in Somaliawhile police investigated whether twin blasts on a Nairobi bar and at a…
Burundi police kill four gunmen in clash
BUJUMBURA (Reuters) - Burundi police killed four gunmen after a heavy exchange of fire, a police officer said on Monday, the latest in a series of violent incidents that…
Zuma sacks two ministers, suspends police chief
PRETORIA (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma fired two cabinet ministers and suspended the national police chief on Monday in an apparent bid to dispel criticism that he…
US increases food aid to Horn of Africa
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is increasing food aid to drought-hit and strife-torn Horn of Africa nations where millions of people are at risk of starvation and malnutrition,…
Segélymunkások elrablása Algériában
Algéria, Madrid – Ismeretlen fegyveresek elraboltak két spanyol és egy olasz segélymunkást, akik egy menekült táborban dolgoztak Nyugat-Algériában.
Grenade attack on Nairobi bar injures 14
A grenade thrown into on a bar in the Kenyan capital NairobiMonday wounded 14 people, all Kenyans, in an attack police linked to recent threats made by Somali Shebab…