Gunmen abduct three aid workers in Somalia

Gunmen abduct three aid workers in Somalia

Gunmen on Tuesday kidnapped an American, a Dane and a Somali working for the Danish Demining Group in central Somalia, the latest abductions by armed gangs in the war-torn nation.

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Kadhafi son Seif al-Islam near Niger border: Tuareg source

Kadhafi son Seif al-Islam near Niger border: Tuareg source

Former Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's son and onetime heir apparent Seif al-Islam was on Tuesday poised to cross into Nigeralong with his father's ex-intelligence chief, a Tuareg official said.

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Koalíciós tárgyalások jönnek Tunéziában

Koalíciós tárgyalások jönnek Tunéziában

Tunézia, Tunisz – Iszlamista-laikus koalíció alakulhat az Alkotmányozó Nemzetgyűlésben Tunéziában. Az eddig nyilvánosságra került részeredmények szerint a választásokat a mérsékelt iszlamista párt, az Ennahda nyerte, de nem lesz…

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Fresh oil pollution reported in Nigerian region

Fresh oil pollution reported in Nigerian region

A Nigerian environmental group on Monday claimed an oil spillfrom a pipeline operated by Italian firm ENI had badly polluted an area in the south of Africa's largest oil producer.

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France to help supply Kenyans fighting in Somalia

France to help supply Kenyans fighting in Somalia

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — France said Monday it would ferry supplies to Kenyan troops fighting an Islamist militia in Somaliawhile police investigated whether twin blasts on a Nairobi bar and at a…

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Burundi police kill four gunmen in clash

Burundi police kill four gunmen in clash

BUJUMBURA (Reuters) - Burundi police killed four gunmen after a heavy exchange of fire, a police officer said on Monday, the latest in a series of violent incidents that…

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Zuma sacks two ministers, suspends police chief

Zuma sacks two ministers, suspends police chief

PRETORIA (Reuters) - South African President Jacob Zuma fired two cabinet ministers and suspended the national police chief on Monday in an apparent bid to dispel criticism that he…

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US increases food aid to Horn of Africa

US increases food aid to Horn of Africa

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is increasing food aid to drought-hit and strife-torn Horn of Africa nations where millions of people are at risk of starvation and malnutrition,…

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Segélymunkások elrablása Algériában

Segélymunkások elrablása Algériában

Algéria, Madrid – Ismeretlen fegyveresek elraboltak két spanyol és egy olasz segélymunkást, akik egy menekült táborban dolgoztak Nyugat-Algériában.

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Grenade attack on Nairobi bar injures 14

Grenade attack on Nairobi bar injures 14

A grenade thrown into on a bar in the Kenyan capital NairobiMonday wounded 14 people, all Kenyans, in an attack police linked to recent threats made by Somali Shebab…

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