CAIRO (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday to press the ruling army to speed up the transfer of power to civilian rule, and…
Congo election campaign kicks off
KINSHASA (Reuters) - Election campaigning began in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Friday and organisers said the polls will go ahead on November 28 despite concerns over whether…
Sudanese refugees say fleeing government bombing: UN
GENEVA (Reuters) - Nearly 2,000 Sudanese refugees who say they are fleeing government bombing in the Blue Nile state have crossed over into Ethiopia in the last four days…
Lesznek-e bikinis nők a tunéziai strandokon? (elemzés)
Tunézia, Budapest - Kevesebb, mint egy évvel az „arab tavasz” kirobbantása után eldőlni látszik, hogy a tunéziai társadalom nem csak a felkeléshez ért, de a demokrácia kínálta állampolgári…
Egy ismerős arc az egyiptomi elnökjelöltek között
Egyiptom, Kairó – Mubarak egyik legközelibb munkatársa is jelöltette magát az egyiptomi elnökválasztáson. Ahmed Safik korábban a légierő főparancsnoka volt. A tömegtüntetések idején Mubarak miniszterelnöknek nevezte ki, de…
Former Mubarak associate to run for president
CAIRO (Reuters) - Ahmed Shafiq, a former Egyptian air force commander and close associate of ousted leader Hosni Mubarak, said on Thursday he planned to stand in the country's…
South African youths march against unemployment
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Hundreds of young black South Africans marched to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on Thursday after delivering a petition to the Chamber of Mines demanding big changes…
Lesotho signs $15 billion water, wind energy deal
Lesotho has signed a $15 billion (11 billion euro) renewable energydeal with a South African company in the country's largest-ever private investment, officials said on Thursday.
Somalia’s al Shabaab vows huge blast in Kenya
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's al Shabaab rebels called on Thursday for supporters in Kenya to carry out a major strike in retaliation for a 12-day military incursion by east…
Libya to try Kadhafi killers
Libya's new leaders vowed on Thursday to bring Moamer Kadhafi's killers to justice in a sharp break with their previous insistence he was caught in the crossfire with his…