Egypt protesters demand that army quit power

Egypt protesters demand that army quit power

CAIRO (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday to press the ruling army to speed up the transfer of power to civilian rule, and…

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Congo election campaign kicks off

Congo election campaign kicks off

KINSHASA (Reuters) - Election campaigning began in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Friday and organisers said the polls will go ahead on November 28 despite concerns over whether…

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Sudanese refugees say fleeing government bombing: UN

Sudanese refugees say fleeing government bombing: UN

GENEVA (Reuters) - Nearly 2,000 Sudanese refugees who say they are fleeing government bombing in the Blue Nile state have crossed over into Ethiopia in the last four days…

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Lesznek-e bikinis nők a tunéziai strandokon? (elemzés)

Lesznek-e bikinis nők a tunéziai strandokon? (elemzés)

Tunézia, Budapest - Kevesebb, mint egy évvel az „arab tavasz” kirobbantása után eldőlni látszik, hogy a tunéziai társadalom nem csak a felkeléshez ért, de a demokrácia kínálta állampolgári…

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Egy ismerős arc az egyiptomi elnökjelöltek között

Egy ismerős arc az egyiptomi elnökjelöltek között

Egyiptom, Kairó – Mubarak egyik legközelibb munkatársa is jelöltette magát az egyiptomi elnökválasztáson. Ahmed Safik korábban a légierő főparancsnoka volt. A tömegtüntetések idején Mubarak miniszterelnöknek nevezte ki, de…

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Former Mubarak associate to run for president

Former Mubarak associate to run for president

CAIRO (Reuters) - Ahmed Shafiq, a former Egyptian air force commander and close associate of ousted leader Hosni Mubarak, said on Thursday he planned to stand in the country's…

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South African youths march against unemployment

South African youths march against unemployment

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Hundreds of young black South Africans marched to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on Thursday after delivering a petition to the Chamber of Mines demanding big changes…

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Lesotho signs $15 billion water, wind energy deal

Lesotho signs $15 billion water, wind energy deal

Lesotho has signed a $15 billion (11 billion euro) renewable energydeal with a South African company in the country's largest-ever private investment, officials said on Thursday.

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Somalia’s al Shabaab vows huge blast in Kenya

Somalia’s al Shabaab vows huge blast in Kenya

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's al Shabaab rebels called on Thursday for supporters in Kenya to carry out a major strike in retaliation for a 12-day military incursion by east…

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Libya to try Kadhafi killers

Libya to try Kadhafi killers

Libya's new leaders vowed on Thursday to bring Moamer Kadhafi's killers to justice in a sharp break with their previous insistence he was caught in the crossfire with his…

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