S.Sudan rebels threaten Warrap state, calls for U.N. withdrawal

S.Sudan rebels threaten Warrap state, calls for U.N. withdrawal

JUBA (Reuters) - A rebel group in South Sudan threatened on Saturday to attack Warrap state to bring down the local government and called on the United Nations and…

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US flying drones out of Ethiopia: paper

US flying drones out of Ethiopia: paper

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Air Force has been secretly flying drones from a civilian airport in southern Ethiopia as part of an aggressive campaign against al Qaeda…

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UK ships will be able to carry armed guards: Cameron

UK ships will be able to carry armed guards: Cameron

LONDON (Reuters) - British merchant ships sailing off the coast of Somalia will soon be able to carry armed guards to ward off pirate attacks, Prime Minister David Cameron…

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Child killed by police in Congo electoral violence

Child killed by police in Congo electoral violence

KINSHASA (Reuters) - A child was shot dead by police during clashes between supporters of rival political camps in the Democratic Republic of Congo ahead of next month's election,…

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Kenyan jets bomb southern Somali town, 12 killed

Kenyan jets bomb southern Somali town, 12 killed

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - At least 12 people were killed on Sunday when two Kenyan jets bombed the southern Somali town of Jilib, residents and officials said, as the east…

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Liberia election chief resigns ahead of November 8 vote

Liberia election chief resigns ahead of November 8 vote

MONROVIA (Reuters) - The head of Liberia's election commission, who has been accused of bias by incumbent President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf's challenger, has resigned, days ahead of a planned presidential…

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Egypt’s Mubarak faces next trial hearing on December 28

Egypt’s Mubarak faces next trial hearing on December 28

CAIRO (Reuters) - The next session in former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak's trial will be on December 28, two days after a separate court convenes to decide whether to…

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Menekülnek a civilek a bombázás elől Szudánban

Menekülnek a civilek a bombázás elől Szudánban

Svájc, Genf – Menekülnek a civilek Kék Nílus tartományból, miután a szudáni légierő bombázta a régiót. A menekültek a szomszédos Etiópiába tartanak – jelentette az ENSZ.

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Se urnák, se szavazólapok, hogyan lesz ebből választás Kongóban?

Se urnák, se szavazólapok, hogyan lesz ebből választás Kongóban?

Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság, Kinshasa – Elkezdődött a választási kampány Kongóban. A közép-afrikai országban egyre súlyosabb gondot okoz, hogy a szavazáshoz szükséges technikai eszközök jelentős része még nem érkezett…

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China says sends ambassador back to Libya

China says sends ambassador back to Libya

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's ambassador to Libya returned to Tripoli on Friday, the government announced, adding that Beijing wanted to have good ties as the North African country embarked…

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