Sudan seizes rebel stronghold in border state

Sudan seizes rebel stronghold in border state

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudanese armed forces seized the rebel stronghold of Kurmuk in Blue Nile state, both sides said on Thursday, after two months of heavy fighting in the…

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Kendőzetlenül a kendőről Tunéziában – a nők féltik jogaikat

Kendőzetlenül a kendőről Tunéziában – a nők féltik jogaikat

Tunézia, Tunisz – Több száz nő tüntetett Tuniszban, hogy garanciákat kapjanak jogaik megőrzésére. A tunéziai nők attól tartanak, hogy a választáson győztes mérsékelten iszlamista párt, az Ennahda, elveszi…

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Amnesztia után házkutatások Nigériában

Amnesztia után házkutatások Nigériában

Nigéria, Maiduguri – A nigériai biztonsági erők házról-házra járva kutattak fegyverek után Borno állam észak-keleti régiójában. A nigériai kormány korábban amnesztiát ajánlott az iszlamista milicistáknak, akik október 31-ig…

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Eritrea denies sending arms to Somali rebels

Eritrea denies sending arms to Somali rebels

NAIROBI (Reuters) - Eritrea denied media reports on Wednesday that said it had delivered weapons in the past few days to al Shabaab rebels who are fighting Kenyan troops…

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Somalis brace for Kenyan air assault, some flee

Somalis brace for Kenyan air assault, some flee

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia braced for Kenyan air attacks on Wednesday and Islamist militants stopped civilians from fleeing at least one likely strike zone.

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New Madagascar prime minister takes office

New Madagascar prime minister takes office

Madagascar's new Prime Minister Omer Beriziky took office Wednesday as part of a deal meant to take the Indian Ocean island nation towards elections after years of political crisis.

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Guinea president announces mass military retirement

Guinea president announces mass military retirement

Guinean President Alpha Conde has announced the retirement of over 4,000 soldiers and paramilitary officers, many of whom are long past the legal age at which they should have stepped…

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South Africa hyenas recaptured after chewing to freedom

South Africa hyenas recaptured after chewing to freedom

Two hyenas escaped from a South African wildlife park Wednesday by chewing through an electric fence during a power outage, but were recaptured within half an hour, the park said.

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S.Africa ranger injured by lion he tried to save

S.Africa ranger injured by lion he tried to save

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — South African wildlife workers drove through the night across sand and dunes, desperate to save two lions who had strayed from a vast park and…

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Rebels say still fighting in Sudan oil state

Rebels say still fighting in Sudan oil state

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudanese insurgents in the country's main oil-producing state South Kordofan battled government forces in a volatile border region for a second day on Wednesday, a rebel…

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