International observers on Thursday called for calm in theDemocratic Republic of Congo after an EU monitoring mission said it had observed widespread voting irregularities.
Guinea Bissau president Sanha hospitalised in France
BISSAU (Reuters) - Guinea Bissau's President Malam Bacai Sanha, who has suffered health problems since taking office in 2009, has been hospitalised in France, a source at Guinea Bissau's…
‘Heavy clashes’ in Sudan’s South Kordofan
Sudanese troops on Thursday occupied a key stronghold of the southern-aligned rebels they are battling in South Kordofan state, the information minister said.
Nehézkes koalíciós tárgyalások Marokkóban
Marokkó, Rabat –Nehézkesen haladnak a koalíciós tárgyalások Marokkóban. A törvényhozásban most először a legtöbb képviselővel rendelkező iszlamista párt egyelőre nehezen talál szövetségeseket a kormányzáshoz.
Ki legyen a főnök?- államforma-vita Tunéziában
Tunézia, Tunisz – A hatalom kiegyenlítettebb elosztásáért tüntettek Tuniszban. Több százan gyűltek össze az Alkotmányozó Nemzetgyűlés épülete előtt. Azt követelték, hogy a hatalomgyakorlás jogosítványait egyenlően osszák el az…
18 killed in eastern South Africa road accident
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Traffic officials say a crash involving a van and a truck in eastern South Africa has killed all 18 people aboard the two vehicles, including a baby.
Egypt ‘eye sniper’ cop turns himself in
Cairo - A policeman nicknamed the "eye sniper" after he was filmed apparently aiming rubber bullets at protesters' heads during clashes in Cairo has handed himself in for…
Somali pirates release Singapore ship, keep 4 crew captive
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Somali pirates released a chemical tanker owned by Singapore shipping company Glory Ship Management, but broke an agreement to release all the crew, keeping four South…
Five Somali pirates sentenced to jail in France
PARIS (Reuters) - Five Somali pirates captured by French commandos in 2008 were sentenced to between four to eight years in jail by a Paris court on Wednesday for…
Zambia police arrest ex-minister over buried cash
LUSAKA (Reuters) - Zambian police charged a former labour minister with receiving stolen property after 2.1 billion kwacha was found buried at his farm, in the first high-profile case…