Kenya confirms first case of H1N1 flu virus

Kenya confirms first case of H1N1 flu virus

Kenya has detected its first case of the new H1N1 influenza virus in a 20-year-old British student, Public Health Minister Beth Mugo said on Monday.

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Vízhiány sorozat 5. rész: Nigéria

Vízhiány sorozat 5. rész: Nigéria

Ezen a héten – Nepál után - ismét Afrikában folytatjuk a globális vízhiány lokális példáinak elemzését. Hatrészes sorozatunk ötödik állomása Nigéria.

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WaterAid in Nigeria

WaterAid in Nigeria

WaterAid began work in Nigeria in 1995 to assist with the vast water and sanitation needs found there. Currently 60% of people have access to safe water while…

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Hristo Stoichkov signs with Mamelodi Sundowns

Hristo Stoichkov signs with Mamelodi Sundowns

Bulgarian and world football legend Hristo Stoichkov has signed a contract with South Africa’s Mamelodi Sundowns football club to take the post of head coach.

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A világközösség nyomást gyakorol Szudánra

A világközösség nyomást gyakorol Szudánra

Az Egyesült Államok egy nemzetközi összejövetelt rendezett Szudán észak-déli területének békéje érdekében.

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US must resist pressure to neglect Africa

US must resist pressure to neglect Africa

As US President Barack Obama's administration develops its Africa and trade policies, it is critical that it resists pressure from some special interests and members of Congress to…

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Africa cries for Michael Jackson

Africa cries for Michael Jackson

News of pop star Michael Jackson's death has been greeted with a mixture of disbelief and sadness across Africa.

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Nigeria to outline Delta amnesty and to release key militant

Nigeria to outline Delta amnesty and to release key militant

Nigeria's President Umaru Yar'Adua has unveiled details of a 60-day amnesty for militants in the Niger Delta.

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Why aid to Africa must increase ..World Bank Chief Economist for Africa

Why aid to Africa must increase ..World Bank Chief Economist for Africa

In rich countries, when economic growth declines by three or four percentage points, people lose their jobs and possibly their houses, but they regain them when the economy…

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The return of blood diamonds

The return of blood diamonds

Six years ago, the world came together to stop a trade in gems that was fuelling civil war in Africa. Now the architect of the deal has quit,…

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