Harare- KARATEKA Samson Muripo az első afrikai származású „full contact” karate világbajnok, megszerezte győzelmét a nemrégiben megtartott világbajnokságon Japánban.
Sudan to get first biofuel plant
Sudan will soon open the country's first biofuel plant. The new project will initially produce about 65 million litres of biofuel a year and it is expected to…
Szudán megépítette első bioüzemanyag gyárát
Szudán hamarosan megnyitja az ország első bioüzemanyag gyárát. Az új beruházás kezdetben 65 millió litert fog termelni, majd a második évtől az elvártak szerint akár már a 200…
Gaddafi wants Caribbean in Africa
Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi has said he would like a United States of Africa to include "Caribbean islands with African populations".
Obama accepts invitation to 2010 World Cup
U.S. President Barack Obama has accepted an invitation to attend the opening ceremony of the soccer World Cup finals in South Africa next year, FIFA president Sepp Blatter…
Russian president arrives in Angola at end of African tour
Medvedev is hoping to capitalize on Moscow's Soviet-era links with Angola as Russia seeks more access to diamonds and energy in one of Africa's biggest oil exporters.
Google SMS launches in Africa
In an attempt to give everyone access to the world's information, Google is launching a series of SMS-based services aimed at the African market.
Hyundai’s cumulative exports to Africa reach One Million mark
Major importing countries in the region that contributed to the record sales include Egypt, South Africa, Algeria, Morocco and Nigeria. In Egypt especially, Hyundai sold 53,153 units and…
Lemond az elűzött Mauritániai elnök
Formálisan is lemondott Mauritánia augusztusban puccsal elmozdított első szabadon választott elnöke.
South Africa passes the test
The Confederations Cup, which ended on Sunday, has demonstrated SA's ability to host large events and also dispel doubts over next year's World Cup. Organising committee CEO Danny…