The African Union's decision not to co-operate with the International Criminal Court (ICC) after it ordered the arrest of Omar al-Bashir, Sudan's president, has been heavily criticized by human…
A szudáni elnök mellé állt a büntetőbírósággal szemben az Afrkai Unió
Az Afrikai Unió tagállamai úgy döntöttek, nem működnek együtt a Nemzetközi Büntetőbírósággal (ICC) az Omar el-Besír szudáni elnök elleni eljárásban - közölték pénteken a szervezet líbiai tanácskozásán résztvevő…
Natural gas line would connect Africa, Europe
Nigeria, Algeria and Niger have signed an agreement to create a $10 billion pipeline that would ship natural gas across the Sahara to Europe, Nigeria’s state oil company…
Guantanamo man left in Chad limbo
A Saudi-born man held at Guantanamo for seven years has told the BBC he has been left in Chad with no papers since his release earlier this month.
Europe Threatens Niger With Aid Cuts
Europe has threatened to cut aid to Niger over the attempt by President Mamadou Tandja, seen with former United Nations chief Kofi Annan, to extend his rule.
Darfur Rebels to Resume Peace Talks
Rebels in Darfur: A number of armed rebel movements in Darfur say they are ready to resume peace talks with the Sudanese government.
Harassment of hawkers is no way to fight poverty
In most of the developing world, city streets are routinely turned into sites of confrontation and intimidation as police try to clear away hawkers.
Egy elefántcsontparti faluban a fiuknak és hercegüknek tekintett Michael Jacksont követelik
A pop királya, aki június 25-én hunyt el, 1992-ben meglátogatott egy elefántcsontparti falut, Krindjabo-t, ahol herceggé avatták. Ezzel a gesztussal szeretett volna visszatérni a gyökereihez. A falu úgy…
SHORT NEWS ! – Kenyan peas withdrawn from market
Peas from Kenya, one of the country's major export hits, are being withdrawn from the Norwegian market as health authorities have linked them to an exceptional outbreak of…
Africa: Good news for river blindness victims
Victims of onchocerciasis could soon breathe a sigh of relief as a clinical trial begins in three African countries of a drug that could eliminate the disease.