The EU should sink boats carrying illegal immigrants to prevent them entering Europe, British National Party leader Nick Griffin has told the Media.
Somali pirates attack Turkish commercial ship in Gulf of Aden
Somali pirates seized a Turkish ship with 23 crew members on Wednesday and are being shadowed by a Turkish warship in the Gulf of Aden, a shipping official…
Roger Lemerre No Longer Morocco Coach The Frenchman has left after only three games of World Cup qualifying…
Roger Lemerre and the Moroccan Royal Football Federation have parted ways after protracted negotiations which began after the Atlas Lions’ disappointing goalless World Cup qualifying outing against a…
20 French Islamists expelled as Hussein investigations continue
CAIRO: Twenty suspected French Islamists have been expelled from Egypt over the past month after being detained in the wake of the Al-Hussein bombing last February.
A kongói kormány a választások előtt leszereli a “rendzavarókat”
A kongói kormány őrizetbe vette az esetleges rendzavarókat a július 12-i szavazás előtt. Ez a lépés válasz volt az ellenzék azon vádjára, miszerint a választás előre lejátszott.
Nigeria: NPAN Introduces Press Ombudsman
Lagos — Newspaper Proprietors Association of Nigeria (NPAN) has introduced its Ombudsman, Justice M. O. Onalaja (rtd), to Nigerians. The introduction was done at a press briefing addressed…
Nigéria: Az NPAN (Az Újságpapír Tulajdonosok Egyesülete) bemutatja a Sajtó Ombudsmant
Lagosz – Az NPAN bemutatta az Ombudsmanát, M..O Onalaja nyugdíjazott Bíró személyében a Nigériaiaknak. A bemutatkozó beszédet egy sajtótájékoztatón tartotta meg az NPAN elnöke Ajibola Ogunshola tegnap Lagoszban.
Global economic crisis threatens HIV prevention and treatment gains in poor countries
In 22 countries in Africa, the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia, and Asia and Pacific, disruption of HIV prevention and treatment programs is expected over the course of…
The “Viper” is back in the ring – The sparrer from Győr is boxing in Africa
Former IBO World Champion title deffender Kovács "Viper" Attilla is returning to the light middleweight category, and will target the WBF world champion title on the 7th of…
Sekou Cissé the new signing for Feyenoord !
Sekou Cisse will be playing for Feyenoord next season . The Rotterdam team reached an agreement with Roda JC and the attacker has a direct transfer. Feyenoord coach…