Hot Sun Films/Foundation announces the filming of TOGETHERNESS SUPREME - a feature length fictional film made by, with, for the community of Kibera.
Brazzaville-Kongó: Választások vasárnap – az igazság napja
Több mint kétmillió választásra jogosult állampolgárt várnak az urnák elé, hogy megválasszák Denis Sassou N’Guesso utódját. A radikálisnak tartott ellenzék felfedte a válaztási jegyzéket és kéri a választásról…
Goerge Clooney at G8 summit giving a voice for Africa
George Clooney yesterday brought a touch of Hollywood glamour to proceedings when he too turned up to tour L'Aquila.
A Kenyai elnök visszautasította a luxusautókat
Mwai Kibaki Kenyai elnök és felesége Lucy Kibaki múlt héten megrendelt nyolc darab egyedileg tervezett autójukat vissza kellett adni a gyártónak gazdasági megszorítások miatt közölte a Pénzügyi Miniszter…
Opposition boycott Congo elections
People in the Republic of Congo have voted in an election which opposition leaders boycotted over allegations it would be neither free nor fair. President Denis Sassou-Nguesso was…
Kadhafi pitches Bedouin tent at G-8 summit
Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, accompanied by a delegation of several hundred people, began his first-ever visit to Italy by pitching his Bedouin tent in Rome's Villa Doria Pamphli…
Kenya: President rejects luxury cars
Kenya's president Mwai Kibaki and his controversial First Lady Lucy Kibaki on Tuesday ordered for eight top-of-the-range custom made cars to be returned to the dealers, as a…
Kenya: Crisis looms as water sources dry up
An acute shortage of water resources has hit Kenya pushing the country into a crisis as water sources dry up in what experts say is a looming ecological…
Local woman raising money for internship in Africa to raise HIV awareness
Sarah Flesher and the donations she acquired to help Burundian refugees. She’s taking that same spirit to Africa in July in order to help spread the word about…
Uganda seeks to ban female circumcision
In many cases it's a woman that grips the blade -- maybe clean, maybe dirty -- that cuts a girl's path to womanhood. The cutter, who works for…