Congo Republic goes to the polls

Congo Republic goes to the polls

The Republic of Congo has been voting in an election widely expected to give Denis Sassou-Nguesso, the incumbent president, another seven years in power.

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INSTANT VIEW-G8 summit pledges $20 bln to boost food output for Africa ?

INSTANT VIEW-G8 summit pledges $20 bln to boost food output for Africa ?

Kumi Naidoo, CO-chair, Global call to action against poverty.

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Vic Darchinyan 117.5 fights Joseph Agbeko 116.5

Vic Darchinyan 117.5 fights Joseph Agbeko 116.5

Two of the pound-for-pound hardest hitting boxers in the world could barely contain themselves and had to be separated during Thursday’s press conference at the BankAtlantic Center in…

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Rwanda: Swedish Decision Sets a Good Precedence

Rwanda: Swedish Decision Sets a Good Precedence

Kigali — The Swedish government announced a landmark decision that it will extradite a Rwandan fugitive to face charges on Genocide and other crimes against humanity committed during…

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Poaching crisis as rhino horn demand booms in Africa

Poaching crisis as rhino horn demand booms in Africa

Rhino poaching worldwide is poised to hit a 15-year-high driven by African and Asian demand for horns, according to new research.

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“Togetherness Supreme”

“Togetherness Supreme”

Hot Sun Films/Foundation announces the filming of TOGETHERNESS SUPREME - a feature length fictional film made by, with, for the community of Kibera.

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Brazzaville-Kongó: Választások vasárnap – az igazság napja

Brazzaville-Kongó: Választások vasárnap – az igazság napja

Több mint kétmillió választásra jogosult állampolgárt várnak az urnák elé, hogy megválasszák Denis Sassou N’Guesso utódját. A radikálisnak tartott ellenzék felfedte a válaztási jegyzéket és kéri a választásról…

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Goerge Clooney at G8 summit giving a voice for Africa

Goerge Clooney at G8 summit giving a voice for Africa

George Clooney yesterday brought a touch of Hollywood glamour to proceedings when he too turned up to tour L'Aquila.

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Opposition boycott Congo elections

Opposition boycott Congo elections

People in the Republic of Congo have voted in an election which opposition leaders boycotted over allegations it would be neither free nor fair. President Denis Sassou-Nguesso was…

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A Kenyai elnök visszautasította a luxusautókat

A Kenyai elnök visszautasította a luxusautókat

Mwai Kibaki Kenyai elnök és felesége Lucy Kibaki múlt héten megrendelt nyolc darab egyedileg tervezett autójukat vissza kellett adni a gyártónak gazdasági megszorítások miatt közölte a Pénzügyi Miniszter…

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