Dakar — Unlawful arrests, detention, torture and unfair trials are increasing in the Gambia, repressing already restricted freedom of expression in the country, say journalists and human rights…
Mauritánia : Abdelaziz az új elnök, az ellenzék “választási puccsot ” emleget
A 2008. augusztus 6-i puccs vezetőjét, Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz tábornokot már a választás első fordulójában elnökké választották. Az ellenzék szerint azonban "választási puccs" történt.
Ghana Gets $602 Million IMF Loan, Readies Oil Production
The IMF approved a $602.6 million loan to Ghana July 15 to help the West African nation tackle budget imbalances while preparing for the start of oil production.
The living legend of afro-pop
The world music guest of the 2009 Veszprem Summer Festival will be Salif Keita, one of the founders of afro-pop genre. The internationally renowned singer and song-writer was…
Drug companies should do more to get life-saving medicines to the poor !!!
GlaxoSmithKline plans to invest up to 60 million pounds ($97 million) over 10 years to improve research, development and access to AIDS drugs in Africa, the world's second…
Local Conflicts Threaten Peace in South Sudan, Says UN
UN peacekeepers in Sudan: Escalating inter-tribal violence in the southern region is jeopardizing the stability of the entire country says the United Nations.
U.S. Congressman Speaks Out Strongly on Africa
The United States Congress' leading expert on U.S.-Africa policy, Congressman Donald M. Payne - seen visiting Darfur refugees - has spoken out strongly on Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia and…
Addis Ababa, 13-17 July 2009- The First Africa-South America (ASA) Conference of Ministers in Charge of Energy kicked-off today, at the headquarters of the African Union Commission. The…
Helyi konfliktusok veszélyeztetik a békét Dél-Szudánban
ENSZ békefenntartók Szudánban: Az egyre növekvő erőszakos belső törzsi ellentétek, veszélyeztetik az egész ország stabilitását, és a hosszan tartó észak-dél közötti polgárháborút lezáró béketárgyalási folyamatok áttöréseinek alakulását, az…
Morocco wins African Tourism Destination Of The Year Award
Morocco has been named as this year’s ‘African Tourism Destination of the Year’, which is awarded annually at the African Business Awards organized by African Business magazine and…