15 000 volunteers needed for 2010 world cup

15 000 volunteers needed for 2010 world cup

South Africa require a total of 15 000 volunteers for the 2010 Soccer World Cup to be hosted in that country. Local organising committee head, Danny Jordaan (LOC)…

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Uganda: Bobby komolyan veszi a Brazilok elleni focimérkőzést

Uganda: Bobby komolyan veszi a Brazilok elleni focimérkőzést

Kampala – A daruk edzője Bobby Williamson azt nyilatkozta, hogy ezen a hétvégén megrendezett találkozó több lesz, mint egy társaságkedvelő mérkőzés.

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Death of PATAY ZSIGMOND – Homage to him from AHU’s president

Death of PATAY ZSIGMOND – Homage to him from AHU’s president

The president Dr Sandor Balogh was deeply touched by the lost of a friend of Africa at the age of 68. PATAY D. ZSIGMOND died on July 5,…

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Uganda: Bobby Taking Alem Brazil Match Seriously

Uganda: Bobby Taking Alem Brazil Match Seriously

Kampala — Cranes coach Bobby Williamson says this weekend's encounter is more than just a sociable match.

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Mauritania: Coup Leader Elected President

Mauritania: Coup Leader Elected President

General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, who overthrew an elected government in Mauritania 11 months ago, was himself chosen president of the country in a new election at the…

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Security concerns prompt airlines flying to Kenya to hire guards; new Delta route grounded

Security concerns prompt airlines flying to Kenya to hire guards; new Delta route grounded

Many airlines flying into Jomo Kenyatta International Airport have hired private security firms to guard passengers, cargo and aircraft rather than rely on the Kenya Airports Authority or…

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Arrests Further Stifle Free Speech in Gambia

Arrests Further Stifle Free Speech in Gambia

Dakar — Unlawful arrests, detention, torture and unfair trials are increasing in the Gambia, repressing already restricted freedom of expression in the country, say journalists and human rights…

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Mauritánia : Abdelaziz az új elnök, az ellenzék “választási puccsot ” emleget

Mauritánia : Abdelaziz az új elnök, az ellenzék “választási puccsot ” emleget

A 2008. augusztus 6-i puccs vezetőjét, Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz tábornokot már a választás első fordulójában elnökké választották. Az ellenzék szerint azonban "választási puccs" történt.

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Ghana Gets $602 Million IMF Loan, Readies Oil Production

Ghana Gets $602 Million IMF Loan, Readies Oil Production

The IMF approved a $602.6 million loan to Ghana July 15 to help the West African nation tackle budget imbalances while preparing for the start of oil production.

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The living legend of afro-pop

The living legend of afro-pop

The world music guest of the 2009 Veszprem Summer Festival will be Salif Keita, one of the founders of afro-pop genre. The internationally renowned singer and song-writer was…

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