Az RSF feljelenti az újságírók zaklatását Kongóban

Az RSF feljelenti az újságírók zaklatását Kongóban

A „Riporterek Határok Nélkül” elítélte a rendőrségi zaklatásokat és erőszakot az újságírók ellen a kongói Köztársaság Július. 12-i választása alatt.

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RSF denounces journalists’ harassment in Congo

RSF denounces journalists’ harassment in Congo

Reporters Without Borders have condemned the police harassment and violence against journalists during the Republic of Congo elections held on the 12 July.

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Fake medicines in West Africa a health risk for all

Fake medicines in West Africa a health risk for all

Counterfeit medicines not only deprive sick people of real treatment, but they make some of the world's most dangerous diseases stronger. West Africa has increasingly become the target…

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CPJ worried on new anti-terror legislation

CPJ worried on new anti-terror legislation

The journalists’ organisation has expressed concerns about increasing restrictions on press freedom in Ethiopia in the wake of the pending adoption of an anti-terror legislation.

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African natives steal meat from wild lions

African natives steal meat from wild lions

Lions in Cameroon are having their kills stolen from under their noses by hungry "villagers".But nogs are increasingly getting in on the act, conservationists say.

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Scores Die As Radicals Clash With Police in Nigeria

Scores Die As Radicals Clash With Police in Nigeria

Alleged religious fundamentalists in Nigeria's Bauchi State were arrested after launching an attack on a police station. Scores have been killed.

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US wants greater military ties with Libya

US wants greater military ties with Libya

Washington, Tripoli agreed to cooperate with aim of preventing possible terror attacks in North Africa. The United States would like greater military cooperation with Libya especially in the…

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AFRICAN NEWS from our correspondents

AFRICAN NEWS from our correspondents

Clinton begins seven-nation Africa tour on August 5

Clinton begins seven-nation Africa tour on August 5

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will visit seven African countries next month to "highlight" the priority President Barack Obama places on the continent, her spokesman said Monday.

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Nile Nations Discuss Sharing Their River

Nile Nations Discuss Sharing Their River

African Ministers Begin Tense Discussions On Sharing The Waters Of The Nile. Ministers from the 10 African countries on the Nile river began crucial discussions Monday over drafting…

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