The Ministry of Health on Tuesday confirmed the first case of the Pandemic Influenza H1N1 in the country but said this was not a crisis situation because the…
EgyptAir orders 737-800s, drops previous order for 777s
Boeing Co. and EgyptAir announced Thursday that the airline has ordered eight more 737-800 planes, dropping a previous order for two 777s.
Emergency Press Communicate
The African-Hungarian Union draw a line from racism in Hungary
South Africa ready to step up as world No1
If Australia fail to win both of the final two Ashes Tests, South Africa will top the rankings South Africa's captain Graeme Smith on his way to an…
Go Home, Uganda Tells Rwandan Refugees
Thousands of Rwandan refugees in Uganda could lose their status following the expiry of a deadline for voluntarily return to their country, officials said.
Africa: Aid Plus Trade Can End Extreme Poverty
Against the backdrop of an international economic downturn and changes in government leadership in the United States and United Kingdom, donors, development officials and economists are looking hard…
Szudán elhalasztja a “nadrág” tárgyalást
A szudáni rendőrök tiltakozók ellen könnygázt használtak oszlatásra a bírósági épület körül, Khartoumban, miután egy szudáni újságíró perét másodszor is elnapolták.
Jégkorong torna: Dél-Afriaki Köztársaság megszégyeníti Ghánát
Ghána nemzeti jégkorong csapata a Fekete Husáng megszégyenítő 8-0-s vereséget szenvedett a dél-afrikai ellenfelétől az 2009-es Afrikai Jégkorong Kupa egyik nyitómérkőzésen, amit a ghánai Nemzeti Jégkorong Stadionban rendeztek…
Botswana introduces new banknote
Botswana will this month introduce a new 200 Pula about $29.5. The new note will be introduced to celebrate the contribution of women in developing the southern African…
Who are al-Shabab?
Al-Shabab - meaning "The Youth" in Arabic - are believed to be largest group among several Islamist and clan militias battling the transitional government in Somalia. The group…