Clinton a kongói konfliktusra hívja fel a figyelmet

Clinton a kongói konfliktusra hívja fel a figyelmet

Hillary Clinton, amerikai külügyminiszter, arra ösztönzi a diákokat a Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaságban, hogy kritizálják országban történő halálos civil áldozatokkal járó konfliktusokat.

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FIFA U-17 Világbajnokág sorsolás: a házigazda Nigéria a “halál csoportban”

FIFA U-17 Világbajnokág sorsolás: a házigazda Nigéria a “halál csoportban”

A házigazdára, Nigériára nehéz feladat hárult, hogy megvédje a FIFA U-17 (17 év alattiak a játékosok) világ kupa koronáját, miután az első sorsolási körben egy erős csoportba került,…

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New East African Cable Makes Internet Faster, Not Cheaper

New East African Cable Makes Internet Faster, Not Cheaper

"We told you so! Internet prices are not coming down soon," satellite broadband providers are gleefully telling consumers. It was expected that with the switching on of the…

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12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics

12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics

SEYCHELLES’ three-member contingent for the 12th IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) World Championships in Athletics will leave this coming Monday for Berlin, Germany

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Nigeria: MFB, NDE to Fight Poverty

Nigeria: MFB, NDE to Fight Poverty

Target Micro Finance Bank (MFB) has entered into a partnership agreement with the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) to economically empower the Nigerian youth and reduce incidence of…

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Clinton appeal on Congo conflict

Clinton appeal on Congo conflict

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has urged students in the Democratic Republic of Congo to speak out against the country's deadly civil conflict.

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Clinton declares US-South Africa ties on the mend

Clinton declares US-South Africa ties on the mend

CAPE TOWN, South Africa — At a housing project for the homeless she once visited as first lady, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton basked in the…

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Global Fund grants Zimbabwe $37.9 mln to fight AIDS

Global Fund grants Zimbabwe $37.9 mln to fight AIDS

The Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria on Friday granted Zimbabwe $37.9 million, resuming support after getting assurances from the new unity government that the money…

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We must tackle failure in schools

We must tackle failure in schools

We have a very serious crisis with the educational system of Ghana; especially at the basic level. Our basic schools in many parts of our country are by…

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Gambia: Court Jails Six Gambian Journalists

Gambia: Court Jails Six Gambian Journalists

Six Gambian journalists, including the editors of two independent newspapers, have been sentenced to two-year jail terms and each fined about U.S. $10,000 on sedition and criminal defamation…

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