Africa Takes Two Steps Forward, One Back on Term Limits

Africa Takes Two Steps Forward, One Back on Term Limits

President Mamadou Tandja of Niger has joined the club of leaders who have overturned constitutions to overstay their welcome in recent years. Following victory in a referendum held…

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Maker Faire Africa 09 thrills

Maker Faire Africa 09 thrills

Visitors were fascinated at the wonderful and interesting inventions displayed at the maiden Maker Faire Africa 2009 in Accra, Ghana over the weekend. The innovations ranged from cream…

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Liberia Is Model for Post-Conflict Transformation, Clinton Says

Liberia Is Model for Post-Conflict Transformation, Clinton Says

Washington — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says that after emerging from a 14-year civil war, Liberia is a model to other countries that are transitioning from…

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U.S. Partnership with DRC Against Gender-Based Violence

U.S. Partnership with DRC Against Gender-Based Violence

On August 11, 2009, in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced $17 million in total new funding to support U.S. Government…

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World champion Jepkosgei reinstated in 800m

World champion Jepkosgei reinstated in 800m

Kenyan Janeth Jepkosgei was back on course to defend of her world 800m title after she was reinstated following her fall in the first heat on Sunday.

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Kongóban, Kinshasá-ban, Hillary Clinton a nők elleni erőszak visszaszorítására szólít fel

Kongóban, Kinshasá-ban, Hillary Clinton a nők elleni erőszak visszaszorítására szólít fel

A Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság (KDK) keleti részén fekvő Gomá-ból visszatérő repülő fedélzetén, miután ott augusztus 11-én szexuális erőszak áldozataival találkozott pár órára, Hillary Clinton nem rejtette el felindultságát.

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USA-Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság közös együttműködése a nemi erőszak ellen

USA-Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaság közös együttműködése a nemi erőszak ellen

2009. augusztus 11-én Gomában a Kongói Demokratikus Köztársaságban (DRC), az Egyesült Államok külügyminisztere Hillary Clinton bejelentett egy 17 millió dollár értékű alapot, ami felhasználható a nemi erőszak elleni…

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Algeria: Conclave to check terrorism

Algeria: Conclave to check terrorism

Army commanders from four African nations on Thursday began a two-day summit in the Algerian city of Tamanrasset aimed at enhancing border security and containing terrorist actions.

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African nuclear weapons treaty finalized

African nuclear weapons treaty finalized

Cape Town - Thirteen years after it opened for signature, the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty has finally come into force, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) said on…

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Secretary Clinton in Liberia to show support

Secretary Clinton in Liberia to show support

MONROVIA, Liberia U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton offered strong support Thursday for embattled Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, and held up herself and President Barack Obama as…

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