Italy PM opens North African road

Italy PM opens North African road

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, on a brief visit to Libya, has opened the first section of a new 2,000km North African coastal highway.

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Tanzania Seek FIFA Assistance To Set Up International Friendships In October

Tanzania Seek FIFA Assistance To Set Up International Friendships In October

The country wants to play top national teams in Africa in a bid to improve its standing.

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(AGRA) Challenges & Opportunities

(AGRA) Challenges & Opportunities

Africa has the singular and tragic distinction of being the only place in the world where overall food security and livelihoods are deteriorating. Over the last 15 years,…

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(AGRA) Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

(AGRA) Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

AGRA is a dynamic partnership working across the African continent to help millions of small-scale farmers and their families lift themselves out of poverty and hunger.

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New viral banana diseases hit Africa

New viral banana diseases hit Africa

One of the world's most invasive diseases has put in danger the lives of 30 million Africans, health scientists have said. The disease has established itself in half…

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SA soldiers protest over poor salaries

SA soldiers protest over poor salaries

A protest by members of the South Africa National Defense Forces on Wednesday turned violent at the Union Buildings in Pretoria as they went on a peaceful protest…

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Bringing technology and agronomic knowledge to African farmers

Bringing technology and agronomic knowledge to African farmers

At the opening session of the Pan Africa Chemistry Network (PACN) Sustainable Water Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, Syngenta has emphasized the important role of technology and agronomic knowledge…

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Somali opposition vows violence in Ramadan

Somali opposition vows violence in Ramadan

Somali opposition leader Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys has said on Sunday that the war against the fragile transition government and African Union forces in the capital Mogadishu is…

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Kongó: hatan meghaltak egy teherszállító-repülőgép katasztrófában

Kongó: hatan meghaltak egy teherszállító-repülőgép katasztrófában

Az orosz személyzet öt tagja és két kongói, feltételezhetően illegális bevándorló halt meg egy Brazzaville-i temető fölött lezuhant repülőgépen. Biztonsági okokból az ilyen típusú repülőknek a legénységen kívül…

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Egypt Leave Out Mohamed Zidan, Mido & Amr Zaki For World Cup Clash

Egypt Leave Out Mohamed Zidan, Mido & Amr Zaki For World Cup Clash

Egypt will be without several top stars for next month's World Cup qualifier in Rwanda.

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